As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at

As William P. Merrill, American theologian and hymn writer, said, “There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.” Please consider joining the Music Ministry as a way of offering your talents and becoming more involved in the Mass service. If you would like to join, please contact me, Peggie Fitch at Or else, just stop by and talk with us after Mass. All musicians are welcome!


Music Ministry

We'd like to recruit another keyboard accompanist. If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact Agnes Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..You will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass.

  1149 Hits

Music Ministry

All choir members are invited to join the next vocal training session with Mr. Eric Monson on Thursday, January 21st.It will be held from 7pm to 8:30pm in the church.

We'd like to recruit another keyboard accompanist. If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact Agnes Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..You will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass.

  1078 Hits

Music Ministry

Music at Christmas 

We welcome all parishioners and visitors to join the choir for Christmas. If you'd like to join, then please let Agnes Lee know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We especially encourage youth musicians to join the choir for the Christmas Family Mass on December 24th, when many of our regular choir members cannot join. 

Ecumenical Prayer Meeting 

Our choirs have been invited by Bishop Yeung, Chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, to participate in the 2016 Annual Ecumenical Prayer Meeting on January 16th (Saturday), from 8 to 10pm at the Catholic Cathedral, 16 Caine Road, Mid Level. Rehearsals are on January 4, 7, and 11 from 7:30 to 9:30pm. Please register with Agnes Lee by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 16th if you'd like to participate. 

Live Crib Christmas Nativity Service 

ACTS Hong Kong invites you to sing at their Annual LIVE CRIB Carol Service, a Christmas Nativity procession with Candlelight service, on Friday, December 18th from 7:30-9pm at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Sai Kung. If interested, please contact Naomi Chui at 9347 9844 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Quite a number of St Anne's choir members joined the Sacred Heart Church and the Welsh Singers for this event last year. Come and celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.

  1284 Hits

October Music Schedule and Line-Up

1. October Choir schedule and music line up

October Music Line-up

October Choir Schedule

2. Location of Choir and Musical Instruments

Please give feedback to see if this arrangement will allow all singers and instrumentalists to see and hear each other better. 

3. Monthly Choir Practice at St. Anne’s Church

There will be an additional 1.5 hr evening Choir Practice once a month. We have a professional musician Mr. Eric Monson of American Vocal Studio to give us voice coaching. 

The schedule is as follows: 

You are welcomed to come on either one of the practices, so hopefully you can make up if you missed the earlier one. 

Group A @ 4-5:30 PM (1st Sunday of the Month) 2015- Oct 4, Nov 1,  2016 -  Jan 3, Feb 7, Mar 6, Apr 3 
Group B @ 7-8:30 PM (3rd Thursday of the Month) 2015- Oct 15, Nov 19,  2016 -  Jan 14, Feb 18, Mar 17, Apr 14

Unfortunately, Mr. Monson can only come on Thursday evening. I will see if he allows me to tape the session, so I can share with the Sunday group. 

Purpose for lessons:

1. Improve in intonation, breathing, diction
2. Sing in parts, 2 part or with harmony and descant
3. Learn to chant for Latin Mass
4. Increase repertoire  

  1115 Hits

September Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

I’d like to let you know that that Agnes Lee has volunteered to share the responsibility with me for coordinating the music ministry.  She will take over the coordination and direction for half of each year, from October through April.  She is sure to bring new energy, ideas and talents to our music ministry; we can all learn a lot from Agnes.  Welcome and thank you, Agnes!!!

Service Sunday is next weekend.  Please encourage your friends and fellow parishioners to join us in the music ministry.  Here's what we need:

  • We now have 3 guitarists and 4 keyboard accompanists, but it would be nice to have more accompanists to fill in when people are away. 
  • Our singers are all mostly sopranos and altos; it would be good to have some tenors and basses for four part harmony and good to have more expat members to join.
  • Youth singers and instrumentalists are very welcome to join (it is one way for them to fulfill their Confirmation service hours).  Many of them play instruments or sing in choirs at school, so they have talents to give. 

The line-up and schedule for September are attached below.   Thanks to Stella Woo for the line-up selections.

September Music Line-up
September Schedule



  1138 Hits

August Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far!  Many thanks to all of the choir members who have been filling in for those of us who have gone away during the summer.  We should start getting back to a more regular schedule now.  As the new school year starts, new parishioners will start coming to St. Anne's.  Please welcome them to our community and encourage them to join us in the music ministry.

The line-up and the schedule for August are as follows: 

August Music Line-up
August Schedule

Peace, Peggie

  1062 Hits

Music Ministry

The aim of the music ministry is to add beauty to the mass using music. We hope to offer music as another form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves.

If you like music, you'd enjoy being a part of this ministry. There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, and Legion of Mary Choir. Rehearsals generally take place one hour before Mass.

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists, guitar accompanists, and cantors.

If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or else e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  981 Hits

July Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for July are below. Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.  

July Music Line-up
July Schedule

After a busy year, we will be a bit less hectic in July, with a chance for our members to take a rest or go on holiday.  We will have ‘quiet mass’ on Saturday evenings, no music; so we just need to plan for Sunday’s 8:45 and 11:15 masses.  

This year, there is no bi-lingual mass for St. Anne’s Feast.  The masses for that weekend of July 25th and 26th will be as normal – Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8:45am (English), 10am (Chinese), and 11:15 (English).   We will still be using the readings and the music for St. Anne’s Feast.  

Safe travels to all who will be away, and thanks to all who will be staying and making music. 

Happy summer to all! 


  1045 Hits

June Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for June are as follows:

June Music Line-up
June Schedule

The May 31st 8:45 mass was broadcast on RTHK Radio 4.  Thanks to the Filipino Choir and to some of the members of the 8:45 choir for singing, especially to Lea for the responsorial psalm and to Amar for the trumpet accompaniment.  It was a great ensemble, and the broadcast came out very well.  If you’d like to listen to the archive, click here.  

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, Hubie Lem and Jennie Li for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • Cantors/Soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam Melendez-General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong and Stella Woo.
  • Paul de Guzman, May Clarito and Fernanda da Rosa for guitar accompaniment.
  • Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Hubie Lem for starting a men's Gregorian chant group.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies, especially David & Matt Helfer and Hannah Kraebel.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week.

Thank you all so much!



  1143 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to everyone who provided music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies last week -Naomi Chui, Fernanda Da Rosa, Daisy Flores, Jam General, Angel Lee, Sylvia Shu, Oliver Wong, and Stella Woo. 

We are blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate this special occasion with our young people.  

  1076 Hits

Music Ministry

Many thanks to everyone who sang for last week's Confirmation ceremony: May Clarito, Fernanda Da Rosa, Daisy Flores, Pat Kozyra, Hannah Kraebel, Angel Lee, Sylvia Shu, Oliver Wong, and Stella Woo.

Thanks also to all who will be singing for the First Holy Communion ceremonies this Saturday, May 23rd.
  1007 Hits

Music Ministry

I'd like to thank everyone who is singing for the Confirmation ceremony this Saturday, May 16th

We still need more singers for the First Holy Communion ceremony on May 23rd.  Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community. 

Let’s come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish. 

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

  947 Hits

Music Ministry


We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 16th and First Holy Communion on May 23rd.  

Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community.  

Let’s come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.  

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1041 Hits

May Music Line-up for St. Anne's choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for May are as follows:

Complete Music line-up for May
Music line-up for Confirmation
Music Line-up for First Holy Communion
Schedule for May

There is a lot going on in May, with the Confirmation Ceremony at 4pm on May 16th, and two First Holy Communion Ceremonies at 11:30am and 3:00pm on May 23rd.  Singers, please let me know if you can sing for these ceremonies so that I can plan how many we have.  

Also, on May 31st at 6pm there is a marriage celebration mass and renewal of wedding vows for Catholic married couples.  We have been asked to provide music, so if you can sing or accompany for this mass, please let me know.  

The April 19th 8:45 mass was broadcast on RTHK.  Thanks to the 8:45 choir for singing, especially to Jocelyn for the responsorial psalm and to Amar for the trumpet accompaniment.  The archive is here if you'd like to listen.  The next broadcast mass will be on May 31st, and the Filipino choir will sing.




  1026 Hits

Music Ministry

Thanks to all the choirs for singing at the Easter week services. 

Thanks especially to the accompanists Ingrid Tsui from the Chinese choir, Hubie Lem, Agnes Lee, and Hunmin Kim, and to the cantors Pat Kozyra, Oliver Wong, Jocelyn La-ab, and Jam General. 

The music ministry wishes everyone a Happy Easter!

  1168 Hits

April Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

Thanks to Stella Woo for the hymn selections for April:

April line-up
April schedule

The schedule for Holy Week is:
  • Holy Thursday – Ingrid Tsui as accompanist – rehearsal at 7pm in the church.
  • Good Friday – Hubie Lem as accompanist – rehearsal at 3:45pm in the school music room.
  • Easter Vigil – Agnes Lee as accompanist – rehearsal at 5:45pm in the church.
  • Easter Sunday – rehearsals as usual for Sundays.
Since we have limited time to rehearse on Holy Thursday, it may be useful to practice the Pange Lingua ahead of time and rehearse the Latin pronunciation with this YouTube link.

Please let me know which Holy Week services you plan to attend. We especially need more singers for the Easter Vigil because many of our choir members have to work that evening.

Wishing you joy and renewal at Easter-time,
  1132 Hits

Music Ministry

We are looking for an additional keyboard accompanist to join our ministry to play at the Saturday evening 6pm or the Sunday morning 8:45 Mass. 

If you play the piano and can help accompany once a month (or more), please contact me, Peggie Fitch, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  999 Hits

March Music Line-up for St. Anne's choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

Happy Chinese New Year!  I wish you peace, prosperity, and good health in this year of the sheep.

The line-up and schedule for March are as follows:

March Music Line-up
March Schedule

The schedule for cantors will be:
  • 8:45 mass – Lea on March 1, and Jocelyn on March 15.
  • 11:15 mass – Lea on March 1, Stella on March 15, and Jam on March 22.
Please let me know if this schedule is ok for you; if not, we can make adjustments.

Our music ministry needs more accompanists. It would be a great help to have another keyboard player to volunteer once a month (or more). Also,the Filipino choirs could use another guitarist as backup for Paul andMay. If you know of anyone who can help, please encourage them to join us!

Peace, Peggie
  1081 Hits

Music Ministry

Rehearsal for the anticipated Ash Wednesday service (on Tuesday, February 17th) will start at 7pm, and all choir members are welcome to join.

Hubie Lem will be the accompanist.  If you can't make the rehearsal at 7pm, please come when you can. The mass starts at 8pm.

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February Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for February are attached. Many thanks to Stella Woo for the music selections.

Music Line-Up for February
Choir Schedule for February

After hearing Lea sing the responsorial psalm at the broadcast mass in December, some people have requested that we should start singing the responsorial psalm at the 8:45 mass. I have added this to the schedule starting on February 8th. My thinking is that we should rotate among three cantors for the 8:45 mass: Lea Faigmani, Jocelyn La-ab, and Oliver Wong, with Lea starting off on February 8th, and Oliver on February 15th. Cantors, please let me know if this schedule is good for you.

For the 11:15 mass, the cantor schedule will be Stella Woo on February 1st, Lea on February 8th, and Jam General on February 15th.

I have also received a request that we should announce the hymn numbers for the entrance and recessional hymns before we sing. (We hadn't been doing this consistently at the 8:45 mass).  This is to let everyone know what hymn number it is and to encourage everyone in the church to sing with us.

This year, Ash Wednesday falls on the eve of Chinese New Year. The evening mass for Ash Wednesday will be held, instead, on Tuesday February 17th at 8pm. If we can get a choir together, then we will provide music, so please let me know if you plan to come for this service.

Also, please be reminded that there is no Gloria sung during Lent, and that we will switch to the Lenten Gospel acclamation.


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