Acolyte Ministry

If you are 10 years of age or older, please consider joining the altar server ministry. It is an important way to serve your parish community. We will be holding a training for all new Acolytes on Sunday, September 18th at 3:30pmin the main church. Please contact Moka Quinlan atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or would like additional information.We hope to see you on the 18th!

  1517 Hits

Music Ministry

If you enjoy making music, please join us in the music ministry. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists. Our members are all ages and all nationalities and we always welcome new members. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or else e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1375 Hits

Lector Schedule for September

Dear Lectors,

Please find the attached schedule for September

If you find that you cannot make your assigned reading, please find a replacement through group email in good time!

Thanks you!


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  1240 Hits

Lector Schedule for August

Dear Lectors,

I attach the schedule for August, in which I have accommodated all absences communicated to me.

God bless,


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  1545 Hits

August Music Line Up

Dear Music Ministry members,

The schedule and line-up for August are attached.Thanks to Jam General for the hymn selections.

Because some people are away on vacation during August, we have to cut back on a few things. Saturday evening mass in August will be a quiet mass with no music, and the responsorial psalms on Sundays will be read rather than sung. We plan to go back to our usual practice in September with music on Saturday evenings and cantors for the responsorial psalms at all masses.

With the start of the new school year, new parishioners may start coming to St. Anne's. Please welcome them to our parish community and also encourage them to join us in the music ministry.



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Lector Schedule for July, 2016

Dear Lectors,

For July, I call your attention to the Parish Feast Day which honors our patron St. Anne, mother of the Virgin. There is a special booklet that will be used for the English services, and the readings will be taken from that booklet and not the red Missal.

I have attached the booklet for those of you who need to prepare and practice for the Parish Feast Day readings. The booklet was prepared for a bilingual service, but Father John confirmed that the English community and the Chinese community will have their separate services, so you can ignore the Chinese portion of the booklet.

Summer holidays may have already come upon some of you; if not, they are soon to come. So, I wish you good rest, exciting travel and rejuvenating activities for the summer months. And thank you for your contribution to the Lector Ministry.


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File Name: Booklet-for-Feast-Day-2013_final.pdf
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  1486 Hits

Music Ministry

As this is almost the end of the school year, we'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Big thanks to Agnes Lee for coordinating the music ministry for half of the year and for arranging voice lesson for us.
  • To Agnes Lee, Stella Woo, and Jam General for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • To Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, Hubie Lem, and Jennie Li for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • To cantors/soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Teresa Peabody, Jano Donato, and Stella Woo.
  • To Paul de Guzman, May Clarito, and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • To Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry and there would be no music without you.
  1469 Hits

June music line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear Music Ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for June are attached. Thanks to Jam General for the June hymn selections.

The May 8th 8:45 mass was broadcast on RTHK Radio 4. I think the broadcast came out very well. If you'd like to listen to the archive it is at:

Thanks to the singers who came for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion services in May. Congratulations - we made it through another year!

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Big thanks to Agnes Lee for coordinating the music ministry for half of the year and for arranging voice lessons for us.
  • To Agnes Lee, Stella Woo and Jam General for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • To Hunmin Kim, Agnes Lee, Hubie Lem and Jennie Li for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • To cantors/soloists Lea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Teresa Peabody, Jano Donato and Stella Woo.
  • To Paul de Guzman, May Clarito and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • To Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet) and Mary Byrne (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.
  • And, last but not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry, especially the Legion of Mary and the Filipino choirs, who come to sing every week. You are the backbone of the music ministry and there would be no music without you.

Thank you all so much!


*** below is the attached line-up ***


  • Entrance: Lord of All Faithfulness - 560
  • Responsorial Psalm: I Will Praise You, Lord - 30
  • Offertory: Only in God - 591
  • Communion: Behold the Lamb - 824
  • Recessional: God has Chosen Me - 669


  • Entrance: All are Welcome - 741
  • Responsorial Psalm: Forgive, Lord, the Guilt of my Sin - sheet
  • Offertory: Remember Your Love - 851
  • Communion: In Remembrance of You - 819
  • Recessional: The Kingdom of God - 639


  • Entrance: Embrace My Way and Cross - 698
  • Responsorial Psalm: My Soul is Thirsting - 43
  • Father's Day Song: God of Adam, God of Joseph - 870
  • Offertory: God is Love - 608
  • Communion: Now We Remain - 696
  • Recessional: Lift High the Cross - 785


  • Entrance: We are Called - 710
  • Responsorial Psalm: You will Show Me the Path of Life - 19
  • Offertory: Here I Am, Lord - 671
  • Communion: The Love of the Lord - 680
  • Recessional: Jerusalem, My Destiny - 399
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  1797 Hits

Lector Schedule for June 2016

Dear Readers, I attach the Lector Schedule for June.

If you cannot make your assigned time, please find a replacement in good time through the group e-mail.

Wishing you all a nice summer ahead.

Kind regards,


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  1218 Hits

Music Ministry

We still need singers for Confirmation on May 14th and First Holy Communion on May 21st

Also, if you'd like to sing at Fr. Bill Galvin's memorial mass on Friday, May 13th, please let me know.

Many of our regular choir members are not free to come on a Friday or a Saturday, so we welcome singers from the parish community.

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For choir members, there will be another choir lesson with Eric Monson on May 15th at 4pm, and all are welcome to join.

  1375 Hits

May Crowning

The St. Anne's Filipino Community will again host the traditional May Crowning in honor of our Blessed Virgin Mary, the High Queen of Heaven and the Queen of May. 

In this regard, we would like to invite all parishioners to join us in this pious activity. It will be held on May 29th at St. Anne's Church. The assembly time is 1:30 PM and the procession will start at exactly 2:00 PM, followed by recitation of the Holy Rosary, singing Marian songs, flower offering, and crowning of our Blessed Lady. 

We will be reciting two mysteries wherein we will be making the petitions for PEACE and UNITY for the whole world. 

If there are boys and girls who want to dress up as angels and join in this activity, please contact Lorenda Rafanan in advance so that appropriate attire can be provided for them. Lorenda Rafanan can be reached at 9107-9805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

  1669 Hits

Music Ministry

HELP WANTED! We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 14th and First Holy Communion on May 21st.

Many of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community. Let's come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.

For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1247 Hits

Music Ministry

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The schedule and line-up for May are in the attached PDF files.

As usual, we have two ceremonies in May. The Confirmation Ceremony will be at 4pm on May 14th, and the two First Holy Communion Ceremonies will be at 10:30am and 3:00pm on May 21st. We need singers, so if you can sing, please let me know.

On May 15th, we will have another voice lesson with Eric Monson at 4pmand all choir members are welcome to join.

The May Crowning is on May 22nd at the 11:15 mass. 11:15 choir, please choose an appropriate hymn in honor of Mary and amend the line-up for that mass.



File Name: Choir-Schedule-2016-05.pdf
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File Name: Confirmation-2016.pdf
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File Name: First-Holy-Communion-2016.pdf
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  1148 Hits

REVISED Lectors Schedule for May

Dear Lectors,

1. Please find attached the REVISED schedule for May. If for any reason you cannot make your assignment, please seek a replacement through this group email as soon as you can.

Non-St Anne's people who come to visit have remarked that the level of lectoring at St. Anne's is high. We recognize we have an important role to proclaim God's Word to His people. So please take time to first read your passage at home for understanding, then practice preferably twice out loud, BEFORE you come to church. Read slower than you normally do, and project your voice. Arrive early and announce yourself to Fr John.

Thank you for your continued service to St. Anne's and happy reading!

2. On a different subject, we are trying to identify one or two more people to help co-ordinate this ministry. At the moment, we have 2 people co-ordinating the assignments, keep the directory current, run lector training, and attend Parish Council meetings. If an additional person can be identified, the work will be divided and each person will be responsible for every third month. Please volunteer! It won't take up too much of your time to do this.


File Name: LECTOR-SCHEDULE-May-201_20160425-223817_1.pdf
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  1690 Hits

Music Ministry

Do you like music? Do you play the keyboard? 

The music ministry needs another keyboard accompanist

If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact me, Peggie Fitch, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We're a good group, and you will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass.

  1138 Hits

Lector Ministry

We are looking for a third coordinator for the Lector Ministry. At present there are two coordinators working together to keep the Lectors' Directory, schedule readers for the different Masses, provide lector training and go to Parish Council meetings. Each works alternate months. A new volunteer will reduce the responsibility to every third month. If interested, please contact Vivian Lee 6100 0880 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1074 Hits

Lector Schedule for April

Dear Lectors, I attach the lector schedule for April.

Please make sure to find an alternative reader in good time should you not be able to read as scheduled.

God bless,


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  959 Hits

Music Ministry Thanks Hubie Lem

The music ministry would like to give special thanks to Hubie Lem, who is one of our regular accompanists and has been involved in the music ministry at St. Anne's for over 10 years.  He will be going back to New York in mid-March.  We will miss him greatly, and we hope he comes back to Hong Kong soon and often.

Thanks, Hubie, for being a part of our music ministry!

  1401 Hits

Music Ministry

We'd like to recruit another keyboard accompanist. If you play the piano and can volunteer to help us, even if only once a month, please contact Agnes Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..You will find it a very rewarding way of participating in the mass.

  1149 Hits

Lector Schedule for February 2016

Dear Lectors,

I attach the Lector Schedule for February, in which I have accommodated all the absences over Chinese New Year that have been communicated to me.

NOTE: As in years past, no Lector is scheduled for the Ash Wednesday service both on the Wednesday and on the previous Tuesday evening. We ask any lector attending any of those services to please volunteer yourself as a reader and identify yourself to the priest.

A reminder as usual to:

  • Turn up early to practice by reading out loud
  • Identify yourself to the priest
  • Use the googlegroup email to find a replacement in good time, if you cannot read at your appointed time

Wishing you all a good Lent and safe travels for those who are going away during the holidays.

God bless,


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  1374 Hits