Lector Schedule for July, 2022

  498 Hits

Lectors' Schedule, June 2022

  458 Hits

Lectors' Schedule, April and May 2022

Dear Fellow Lectors,

We pray that Masses will resume in the not too distant future. Perhaps 21st April 2022 will be a good guess. The attached Lector Schedule (April & May) 2022 is therefore for such preparation.

Your volunteer to cover for readings will be much appreciated if there is call for such needs. All the readings can be found in this link. http://catholic-dlc.org.hk/newSM.htm then select "Easter Time"

God Bless you all!

Brenda Yu
Vivian Lee
Maria Lee
Coordinators of the Lectors Schedules 

  494 Hits

Music Ministry

If you are looking or a meaningful way to contribute to our parish community and if you enjoy making music, then please join us in the music ministry. 

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, all ages, and all nationalities, and we always welcome new members. We are also looking for a new coordinator to help with scheduling and communications.

If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after mass, or e-mail Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  840 Hits

Music Ministry

If you enjoy making music, please join us in the music ministry. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, our members are all ages and all nationalities, and we always welcome new members. We are also looking for a NEW COORDINATOR to help with scheduling and communications. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after mass, or e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  759 Hits

New Acolyte Coordinator Needed

St. Anne's current Acolyte Coordinator has moved from Hong Kong and we need a replacement. Could you be the new COORDINATOR

The role involves asking the Acolytes the dates and times they are available to serve, putting those into a rota, and then sharing it with the Acolytes and the Church. Due to COVID, we are also washing the used robes at a laundromat after each Mass.

The role is a very easy way to serve the St. Anne's Community. If you're interested, please contact Fr. David Tristianto or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 2813-0206 for more information. 

  679 Hits

Christian Meditation

MEDITATION is a way of deep praying. Through the silence, it helps you understand yourself and leads you into the presence of God.

Come and learn this silent form of prayer - prayer of the heart.

The St Anne's group meets 7:00 PM every Tuesday in the sanctuary. Come a little earlier to quiet down.

  785 Hits

Mothers' Prayer International

Praying for our children and children of the world.  This group meets at the St. Anne's Parish Hall (1/F) --

Every TUESDAY at 10:45AM (Cantonese)

Contact: Mrs. Linda Law - Mobile: 9832 0239

 Every WEDNESDAY at 10:30AM and 6:00PM (Bilingual)

Contact 1: Gracy Tong-Dejean
Mobile: 9489 2482
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact 2: Ginnette Ling
Mobile: 6037 7726
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  776 Hits

Music Ministry Coordinator Needed

I'd like to let you know that I will be stepping down as the Music Ministry Coordinator in September. It will have been 15 years since I started as coordinator, and it is time for me to let someone else take up the post. The main responsibilities are coordination and communication, setting the schedule, and selecting the music.

Please let me know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are interested to do this, or if you would like to nominate someone who you think would be good for the role. 

  1004 Hits

Music Ministry

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all the members of the music ministry who volunteered their service and talents this year. In particular, thanks to Jam General and Winnie Pun for helping choose the music line-ups, and to Oliver Wong, Haeju Gallagher, Hubie Lem, Agnes Lee, and Jaye Oh for their keyboard accompaniment. Thanks also to Fernanda da Rosa and Jaye Oh for their initiative and guidance for the choir competition in November, singing the Angel's Carol. What a good effort and result! I know this has been a difficult year for everyone, with church closures and pandemic restrictions, and I would like to thank you all for your good will during this unusual time. 

  1099 Hits

St. Anne's Meditation Group

ST. ANNE'S MEDITATION GROUP will resume meeting physically inside the church sanctuary every Tuesday at 7:00PM.

Please join us for some silence, stillness and simplicity in the presence of God! Come a little earlier to settle down!

  611 Hits

New Acolyte Coordinator Needed for July 2021

The current Acolyte Coordinator will be moving in the summer, so a replacement is needed. Could you be the new Coordinator? The role involves asking the Acolytes the dates and times they are available to serve, putting those into a rota and then sharing it with the Acolytes and the Church. Due to COVID, we are also washing the used robes at a laundromat after each Mass.

The role is a very easy way to serve the St. Anne's Community. If you're interested, please email Kym Kettler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

  636 Hits

Call for Acolytes

Would your child like to serve at Mass? We are in need of new servers.

We train all acolytes before their first Mass, and both the Priest and the other acolytes will help them during the service. Many children find serving at Mass far more engaging and meaningful than attending in the pews.

We set up the Acolyte Schedule based on your availability. Your child is not expected to serve every week--only when they are available.

Please contact Kym Kettler-Paddock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your child might be interested or if you have any questions. 

  855 Hits

Music Ministry

The aim of the music ministry is to offer music as a form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves. If you like music, you will enjoy being a member of this ministry. 

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, including children and teenagers, and we especially need more keyboard and guitar accompanists. 

There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, and 11:15 Sunday. Or you can join us to sing at special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, St. Anne's Feast Day, or the First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies. Rehearsals generally take place one hour before mass. 

If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after mass, or e-mail Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  786 Hits

WCCM Lenten Retreat in St Paul's House of Prayer

A group of St Anne's parishioners recently attended the WCCM (World Community for Christian Meditation)  Lenten Retreat in St Paul's House of Prayer in Sheung Shui over the weekend, March 13-14, 2021

Back row L to R: Anthony Tse, Dee Mulligan, John Mulligan, Joanne Cheng, Daniel Lee, Paul Jackson, Irene Jackson
Front row: Naomi Chui, Agnes Chiu Lee, Danielle Lee, Vivian Lee and Fr Tommy Murphy, our retreat master. 

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Online Meditation

Join us for a taste of meditation! Every week, the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM) hosts an hour of online meditation, and every month, there will be a bilingual session. The program consists of a teaching on meditation, instructions on how to meditate, 25-minutes meditation, and finally the Gospel of the day. There is sharing but only if you wish to participate. A community of 40-50 people join each time.

Thursdays, 8:00 PM

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89503349036?pwd=WmVjZzIvTDBlYzJ0Z2JHUFE2YUFEQT09

Meeting ID: 895 0334 9036

Passcode: 304121

11 March (Cantonese)
18 March (Cantonese)
25 March (Cantonese)

01 April (Bilingual)

  707 Hits

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is sad to say goodbye to Pat Kozyra, our Saturday evening cantor.  After living in Hong Kong for 20 years, Pat and her husband, Taras, will be returning to Canada at the end of September.  Many, many thanks to Pat for offering her beautiful voice and giving many years of dedication and service to St. Anne's.  In the event that public church services are still closed in September and you do not get a chance to say goodbye to Pat in person, you can email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We wish her all the best in her move back home.

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Lectors' Schedule: September 2020

  688 Hits

Lectors' Schedule for August 2020

  605 Hits

Lectors' Schedule, July 2020

  620 Hits