Music Ministry

If you enjoy making music, please join us in the music ministry. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists. Our members are all ages and all nationalities, and we always welcome new members. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or else e-mail Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1013 Hits

Lectors' Schedule for September 2019

  853 Hits

Lectors' Schedule for August 2019

  843 Hits

Music Ministry

The aim of the music ministry is to offer music as a form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves.If you like music, you will enjoy being a part of this ministry.There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, and Legion of Mary Choir.Rehearsals generally take place one hour before mass.

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, including children and teenagers, and we especially need more keyboard and guitar accompanists. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after mass, or email Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  1017 Hits

Lectors' Schedule July 2019

  795 Hits

Music Ministry

As this is almost the end of the school year, I'd like to take this chance to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents to the music ministry this year. In particular, my thanks to all of the following:

  • Jam General, Winnie Pun, and Paul Jackson for helping choose the music line-ups.
  • Hunmin Kim, Oliver Wong, Haeju Gallagher, and Hubie Lem for their keyboard accompaniment.
  • Cantors/soloistsLea Faigmani, Jam General, Pat Kozyra, Jocelyn La-ab, Oliver Wong, Jano Donato, Fernanda da Rosa, Clara Tse, and Teresa Peabody.
  • May Clarito, Christina Flores and Jano Donato for guitar accompaniment.
  • Daisy Flores, Jam General, Lea Faigmani, and Naomi Chui for their dedication in learning the harmonies; it really adds beauty to our hymns.
  • Xiaomu Fang for cello and Alex Kwak for violin accompaniment and solos (we always welcome more instrumentalists!).

Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies.And thanks to all the regular members of the music ministry who come to sing every week.It is a joy to make music with you! 

  1151 Hits

June 2019 Lectors Schedule

  827 Hits

Lectors Schedule for May, 2019

  815 Hits

Lectors Schedule for January, 2019

Dear Lectors,

Please find enclosed the first schedule of the New Year. The lector assignments for the Mass on January 1st, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, have been included in the December schedule.

It's been a while since we had lector training. To keep the reading at St Anne's at a high standard, Maria Lee and I are planning a session in January, and another session in February. We plan to invite some people who read well to demonstrate and you will hear feedback on your reading. We hope you can come to one that suits your schedule. It will most likely be on a Sunday afternoon as that is the day off for our Filipina sisters. Details to follow! 

It has been encouraging to see reliable young people participate in this ministry. We have Leah Gillette, Aidan Jackson, Jamie McGraw, Hannah Tan - reliably preparing and reading for the people of St Anne's. Bravo!

In closing, I thank you one and all for your service throughout 2018. May you enjoy the peace and joy of Christmas united with your family and spending time with friends.

With gratitude,Vivian

  1048 Hits

Music Ministry

We welcome all parishioners (and visitors) to join the choir for Christmas – especially for the 5pm December 24th Christmas Family Mass when many of our regular choir members cannot join. If you'd like to join us, then please let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Even if you don't join the choir, please join us in singing.

Let us fill the church with joyful music! 

  1216 Hits

Acolyte Ministry

If you are interested in serving as an acolyte during the weekend English masses (Saturday vigil, Sunday at 8:45 and 11:15) and you missed the sign up at Service Sunday, it's not too late. Please email AhYoung at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1297 Hits

Music Ministry

Two gospel choir introductory music sessions will be held on November 23rd and 30th from 7:45pm to 9:45pm in the school music room (access through the parish hall). Thanks to Fernanda da Rosa for inviting choir director Mr. Ronald Lam to come teach us.Our aim is to provide an opportunity for members of the parish to join in a joyful activity of community and worship. All are welcome to come. 

  1339 Hits

Lectors Schedule for December, 2018

Please find attached the Lectors Schedule for December (plus 1 January 2019).

December is always a busy (and joyful) month in our Parish and our personal schedules as well, a few of us have been assigned to read twice, and many thanks in advance for this extra help.

God bless you all for your service.

Kindest regards,

Maria Lee

  956 Hits

Music Ministry

Thanks to everyone who signed up for the music ministry at last week's Service Sunday. If you haven't signed up but are interested, you haven't missed your chance! We accept new members all throughout the year. We especially need singers for the 11:15 Sunday mass and keyboard accompanists for Saturday or Sunday. Come talk with us after mass or contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1288 Hits

Lector's Schedule for October 2018

Dear Lectors,

Please find attached the Schedule for October 2018.
In case you have any change of plan, please look out for replacement in this group and in good time. Many thanks.

God bless you for your service.

Maria Lee

  966 Hits

Lector Schedule for September 2018

Dear Lectors, 

Father Cuff has designated 2 September as Service Sunday. On that day, there will be sign-ups for the lector ministry.

I encourage you to sign up and if there are other family members including teenage children who might be interested, please encourage them to sign up too! Occasionally, we receive comments from visitors who remarked that the Proclaimed Word is of high quality in St Anne's.

Of course, there is room for improvement. We will arrange lector training sessions for everyone, new and old, to improve their reading skills in October. You will have a chance to practice reading and given feedback, and we will invite people who read well to demonstrate for us. 

To give you a taste of how to improve your reading, take a look at the Simple Suggestions for Reading Well attachment. The most important of all the points though is to PREPARE, PREPARE and PREPARE.

Finally, the September schedule is attached. If you cannot make your allotted time, please arrange for someone to replace you.

Thank you very much and God Bless!

  1006 Hits

Join the Acolyte Ministry

The Acolyte Ministry is seeking new members to join a dedicated group of altar servers. You must be at least ten years old and have received your First Holy Communion. If you are interested, please email AhYoung Chi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Training will take place in September and you will begin your new service in October! If you are a current acolyte and have not received an email from AhYoung regarding your September availability, please send her an email as soon as you can.

  1162 Hits

Music Ministry

The aim of the music ministry is to offer music as a form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves. If you like music, you will enjoy being a part of this ministry. There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, and Legion of Mary Choir. Rehearsals generally take place one hour before mass. We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, including children and teenagers, and we especially need more keyboard and guitar accompanists. If you are interested to find out more, come talk with one of the choir members after mass, or e-mail Peggie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1226 Hits

Lectors Schedule for August 2018

Dear Lectors,

Please find attached the August 2018 schedule. Thank you again for your service.

Many of our lectors are/will be away in August, we wish them too safe time on the road and a very happy holiday.

Maria Lee

  1118 Hits

Lectors Schedule for July 2018

Dear Lectors,

The July schedule is attached and I have accommodated all known absences.

We have a Broadcast Mass on 1st July, with Patrick Kaye doing the commentary and John Mulligan reading.Because many readers are away for holiday and there is a shortage of readers, I could not help but put some lectors on DOUBLE DUTY.  Please make a note of your assigned dates.

Finally, our Parish Feast Day will be on 22nd July. On that day, 10 am Chinese Mass and the 11:15 English Mass will be cancelled and both amalgamated into a single BILINGUAL Mass at 10:30 AM. Attached to this email is the booklet for the special liturgy and the reader will read from that booklet.

Thank you all for your hard work, and let's proclaim God's Word in a meaningful way!

  942 Hits