Your helping hands had beautified St. Anne's greatly.
Dear music ministry members,
Ash Wednesday is on March 5th, and there will be a Mass in the evening at 8pm. Please let me know if you are planning to come and would like to sing. Rehearsal will be at 7:30.
During Lent, we will not sing the Gloria, and we will change the gospel acclamation from the Alleluia that we sing during ordinary time to the Lenten acclamation.
As requested by the Filipino choir, we will hold a music class on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm in the school music room. The first session will be next Sunday, March 2nd. We will start by learning more about rhythm, counting, and reading the music scores. All are welcome to attend.Dear music ministry members,
The line-up and schedule for February are below. Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.
We have another keyboard accompanist to re-join the music ministry, Hubie Lem, who will accompany once a month on Saturday evenings. Welcome back, Hubie!
I have ordered 15 more choir hymnals because we only have 14 hymnals in the cabinet now (we should have over 20 copies). We need to take good care of the new hymnals because the version that we use, Gather Comprehensive II, is now out of print, and the new version, Gather III, does not match the hymnals in the pews. If someone has time to help me put book-covers on the new hymnals to protect them, please let me know.
Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Stella on February 2nd and 16th, and Lea on February 9th.