
Please join us in thanking the following for their participation as Acolytes in Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:    Ethan Sherry, Eliza Sherry
  • Sunday 8:45am:       Ying Ying Tse, Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Brendan Armstrong
  • Sunday 11:15am:     Zoe Forino, Monica Francis, James Francis
  • Sunday 6:00pm:       Sam Weise, Olivia Weise

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1307 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:  Pierce O'Malley, Conor O'Malley
  • Sunday 8:45am:  Keelin McNicholas, Kenna Argetsinger, Lauren Vallace, Kate Vallace
  • Sunday 11:15am:  Monica Francis, James Francis, Keith Choa
  • Sunday 6:00pm:  Charlie Cabantac, Reina Mandadero

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1323 Hits

Music Line-Up for May 2013

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The line-up and schedule for May are attached.

We are coming to the end of the school year and there is a lot going on in the month of May.

On Saturday May 4th, the 6pm Mass will be sponsored by the Youth Band.  Thanks to Hannah Kraebel  for selecting the music and leading this group, and thanks to Jennie Li for accompanying.  If you know of any youth guitarist or pianist who might be interested, please invite them to join the group.  There will be one more Youth Mass on June 1st, after which there is a break for the summer, and the group will resume again at the start of the next school year.

The 8:45 Mass on May 5th will be broadcast on RTHK Radio 4.  The Filipino choir will be singing, and this time there will also be violin and trumpet  accompaniment.   Thanks to our youth instrumentalists Amar Bhardwaj and Aisling Quinlan for joining.

May 12th is Mothers' Day, and we should prepare a song or instrumental piece for when the roses are distributed.  A good one might be 'Hail Mary, Gentle Woman', p. 779, but each group can have their own choosing.

The Rite of Confirmation will be held on Saturday, May 18th at the 6pm Mass.  Reverend Brian Barrons will be the celebrant.  We need singers for the choir!  Please join if at all possible, and please ask your friends from the parish to join also.  Rehearsal will be 4:30pm.

There are two ceremonies for First Holy Communion; both will be held on Saturday, May 25th.  One is at 11:30am and one is at 3pm.  Again we need singers!  Please join the choir and ask your friends too.  Rehearsal will be at 10:15am.  We will break for lunch after the first ceremony and return again for the 3pm ceremony.

The May Crowning will be on Sunday May 26th at the 11:15 Mass.  Can the Filipino choir select a song in praise of Mary for the crowning?

The schedule for the 11:15 cantors will be May 5th –Stella,  May 12th – Jam, and May 19th –Lorna.  Please let me know if the schedule is ok for you.



Choir Schedule For Sundays in May
Music Line-Up For Sundays in May
Music Line-Up for Confirmation
Music Line-Up for First Holy Communion

  1146 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • 6:00pm:      Eliza Sherry, Ethan Sherry
  • 8:45am:      Aisling Quinlan, Robert Poon, Jason Poon, Lauren Vallace
  • 11:15am:    Natasha Hirt, Jessica Tan, Kenna Argetsinger, Ying Ying Tse
  • 6:00pm:      Erlinda Borje, Guia Sedon

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1360 Hits

Celebrating Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary

To commemorate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Filipino Catholic Group (FCG) is hosting a film showing on Sunday, April 28 starting at 1:30 p.m.  

The movie is called "The 13th Day" (75 mins).  Based on the memoirs of the oldest Seer, Lucia Santos, and many thousands of independent eye-witness accounts, "The 13th Day" dramatizes the TRUE story of three young shepherds (Lucia, Francisco & Jacinta) who experienced six interactive apparitions with a “Lady from Heaven” between May and October 1917, which culminated into the final prophesied Miracle. More than 70,000 witnesses watched the sun spin in the sky before plummeting towards the earth, in an extraordinary prophesied event, which became known as 'The Miracle of the Sun.



"Mary, the Mother of God" (49 mins), from Fr. Robert Barron's Catholicism series will also be shown after the movie.

Contact Lorenda Rafanan for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1733 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • 6:00pm:        Juliana Provenzale, Pierce O'Malley
  • 8:45am:        Keelin McNicholas, Aisling Quinlan, Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan
  • 11:15am:      Ryan Argetsinger, Zoe Forino, Kate Vallace
  • 6:00pm:        Olivia Weise, Sam Weise

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!

Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1328 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this week:

6:00pm:     Owen Tucker, Emma Tucker
8:45am:    Mariella Evangelista, Abigail Evangelista, Isabella Hirt, Natasha Hirt
11:15am:    Keith Choa, Monica Francis, James Francis
6:00pm:    Reina Mandadero, Rodel Vital

Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  464 Hits

Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

We welcome all of our young parishioners after next Saturday’s Mass to join us for Pizza, Friends, Fellowship, Mario Kart and Cookie Decorating!

Saturday, April 20th, 7:10PM

St. Anne’s Parish Hall

  1692 Hits

Happy Easter from the Flower Ministry!



  1883 Hits

St. Anne's Youth Group News

The next Youth Mass is April 6th !   Please encourage your child/teen to read, sing and participate with their friends:  April 6 / May 4 / June 1. 

If you would like to be a Lector, contact Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and if you would like to join the youth choir, contact Hannah Kraebel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  5599 Hits

Music line-up for April

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for April are attached.  Thanks to Stella Woo for the music selections.  Accompanists and cantors – please let me know if the schedule is ok with you.

I'd like to thank our choir members who joined in singing at last night's Holy Thursday service.  Thanks also to the Chinese Choir for singing with us, especially Miranda Kwan the Chinese Choir director and Ingrid Tsui the accompanist.

Also thanks (in advance) for everyone who will be singing at the Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday services this weekend.    I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter!




Music Line-Up for April

Choir Schedule for April

  1077 Hits

Ushers: Call for Volunteers

Serving the church is serving God.  It is not yet Service Sunday, but, like the other ministries, the Usher Ministry is also in need of more volunteers-- not only on Sunday but also for the Saturday 6:00PM Mass.  At that Mass, we are in need of a person who will organize parishioners to participate in the offering and the collection.

We ask those who attend Mass regularly on Saturday evening to please consider helping in this ministry.  

Please contact Lorenda Rafanan, Ushers Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 9107-9805.


  6368 Hits

Eucharistic Ministers

All newly trained Eucharistic Ministers and all who have not been formally installed by Father Ed are asked to join Fr. Ed on the altar when called during all Masses this weekend, March 2-3. 

After being installed, all Eucharistic Ministers are asked to participate in distributing Holy Communion in both forms to St. Anne's Parishioners. 

Until the new schedule is published, please participate by selecting a stole upon entering church and serving.


  3510 Hits

Lenten Flower Arrangements

During the period of Lent, we use mainly leaves with a little bit of purple statice. 

We withhold the delight expressed by colourful flowers until Easter comes, except for the 4th Sunday of Lent, when the Gospel is about having joy for the returned son.



  1724 Hits

Music Lineup for March

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The line-up and schedule for March are attached.

Accompanists and cantors, can you let me know when you are available in March, so that we can refine the schedule?  Also, can all members let me know their availability during Holy Week, March 28-31?  The music for Holy Thursday, is yet to be confirmed with the Chinese choir.  Also, the readings and psalms for the Easter Vigil have yet to be confirmed.  I will let you know if there are changes.




Choir Schedule for March

Music Line-Up for March

  1135 Hits

Praying Moms

Let us not leave our children's lives to chance! Let us partner with our Lord Jesus to guide, strengthen, and give us all we need to be the parents He wants us to be. 

It is never too early nor too late to pray for our children-- God hears us when we seek Him. 

Praying Moms meet on Friday mornings, from 10-11 am in the Parish Hall. You can join anytime! For additional information, please contact Anna Tan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  8213 Hits

Thanks for the Holiday Decorations!

Many thanks to the Church Beautification Ministry

and our team of young volunteers, who assisted with the decoration of St. Anne's for the holidays!



  1687 Hits


On Sunday, Feb 19, was the continuation of the lector training sessions we provided from last Fall. So far there have been 6 sessions, and 39 lectors of the 55 on the roster have attended. Some lectors have come twice as they have found the training very useful. Two new readers joined us. Lectors are given an overview of the Mass, and the important role the Liturgy of the Word is explained. Lectors are asked to reflect on their roles as the "mouthpiece" of the Word.  Markus takes them through the mechanics of good public speaking, and participants practice reading the same passage and are given feedback on their individual readings.

We will continue to provide lector training as some lectors have not attended. The aim of the training is to produce good reading and ultimately raise the quality of the Spoken Word at St. Anne's.

Coordinators VIVIAN LEE at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or MARKUS SHAW at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2437 Hits

St. Anne's Catholic Filipino Group

There will be a 5th Sunday Tagalog Mass on April 29 at 7:15 AM and the celebrant is Fr. Emil Lim.

For inquiries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at 9107-9805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  4569 Hits