Rehearsals for the Christmas Masses will be:
Many thanks to all who will be singing and playing at Christmas, and safe travels to all who will be away. May I wish you and your families joy at this Christmas season!
Dear music ministry members,
The line-up and the schedule for December are as follows. Many thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.
Rehearsals for the Christmas Masses will be:
Also, for the December 12th reconciliation service, please join the choir if you are able to come. Warm-up is at 7:15pm, and the hymns will be:
Next week, with the start of Advent, we will change the Mass parts to the Mass of Christ the Savior by Dan Schutte. There will be a rehearsal for all choir members after the 11:15 Mass on December 1st to learn the new Gloria. Choir members, please join this rehearsal if you can.
We have need for an additional keyboard accompanist to help substitute when one of our regular accompanists is away. For musicians, it is a good way to participate in the Mass, and it is also a fun way to contribute your talents to our community. If you play the piano, and are interested to help, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Parents, please join us on Friday mornings from 10-11AM in the Parish Hall as we pray for our children and for the strength to be the parents He wants us to be.
This week, we focus on "Attracting Godly Friends and Role Models" from The Power of the Praying Parent by Stormie O'Martin:
One of the greatest influences in our children's lives will be their friends and role models. How can we not pray about them?
If you feel called to take over and lead this ministry please contact Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let us not leave our children's lives to chance. Let us partner with our Lord Jesus so He can guide us, strengthen us and give us all we need to be the parents He wants us to be. It is never too early or too late to pray for our children. It doesn't matter if your child is an infant, a teenager or married, God hears us when we seek Him.
We provide the book called "The Power of the Praying Parent" by Stormie O'Martin, which we use for our prayer sessions. This week's chapter is "Maintaining Good Family Relationships."
You can join anytime! Hope to see you on Friday mornings, from 10-11AM in the Parish Hall. For more info, email Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dear music ministry members,
The line-up and the schedule for November are attached below.
In December, I’d like to change to the ‘Mass of Christ the Savior’ for our Mass parts. I’ve attached a pdf file with the music. If you click on the links on the first page, you can listen to the recordings. I will make copies of the music for the choir and accompanists so that we can start practicing in November.
Our choir hymnals seem to be disappearing. We should have over 20 hymnals, but at last count there were only 15. Unless we find the missing books, I will have to place an order for more. If anyone wants to order a personal copy, please let me know. The cost is $HK 200.
The 8:45 Mass on November 3rd is a broadcast Mass, and the 8:45 Ensemble will sing.
The confirmation class reconciliation service is on November 9th at 2pm, and Stella will sing, with Jennie as accompanist.
Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Jam and Lea on November 3rd and Stella on November 10th.
St. Anne's Filipino Catholic Group would like to warmly welcome Filipino groups from throughout Hong Kong who will be praying the Holy Rosary with us this afternoon. They are
Thank you for being with us this afternoon for our pious dedication to our Blessed Mother Mary.
A team of young missionaries from Generation Life in the US, have been invited to come share their experiences and messages on love, relationships, chastity and the dignity of human life, to young people.
This youth event, organized by the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese’s English Youth, D-E-Y, will be on this Sunday 13th October from 2:00-5:30PM at Youth Outreach in Sai Wan Ho.
All young people are invited to join. For details, please refer to information posted on the notice board.
All young people are invited to attend the fourth D-E-Y (Hong Kong Diocesan English Youth) joint youth mass and fellowship next Sunday, 20th October.
This time, it will be hosted by CFC YFL at Annunciation Church in Tsuen Wan. Fellowship starts at 2:00PM with mass at 5:00PM.
For more details and to register, please refer to information posted on the notice board.
Anyone who is at least 10 years of age and has celebrated his or her First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you to those who volunteered to be lectors on Service Sunday! Training will take place on October 26th and 27th. As all lectors, new and old, are requested to come to at least one session of training, these sessions are also open to current lectors who have not received training before. Please mark your calendars to come to one of these sessions.
For more information, please contactLector Ministry Coordinators Markus Shaw: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Vivian Lee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The St. Anne's Filipino Community will host our traditional Living Rosary on Oct. 27th at 2:00 PM. The Living Rosary's petition is for PEACE and UNITY of the whole world. We are inviting everybody to please join us in our pious dedication to our Blessed Mother Mary.
If your kids want to join in this activity and be dressed as angels please don't hesitate to call me in advance so that we can provide appropriate attire for them.
For queries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at 9107 9805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There will be an additional training session for Eucharistic Ministers this Sunday, October 6th at 1:30pm in the Church. Those who wish to become Eucharistic Ministers and were unable to attend last months' training are welcome. We will also have a practice session at that time.
Dear music ministry members,
Welcome, and thanks those who signed up on Service Sunday to join the music ministry. Also, thanks to our existing members who re-upped this year. We now have over 50 musicians in the music ministry – a great start to the year!
The line-up and the schedule for October are attached below. Thanks to Stella Woo for the selections.
Line-up: Music-line-up-2013-10.pdf
Schedule: Choir-Schedule-2013-10.pdf