Hospitality Ministry, November 24, 2013

St. Anne's Parish Hospitality Table will be sponsored this week by the Grade 3 CCD Class.  Hospitality is offered to parishioners as an opportunity to gather together in friendship and enjoy snacks & drinks sponsored by a CCD Class. Hospitality begins at the conclusion of 8.45AM Mass and ends at 10:00AM. 

The next Hospitality date is Sunday, December 1st.  This will be sponsored by the Pre-K and FHC 1A Classes.   For Hospitality Ministry questions, please contact Celine O'Connor at 6383-2508

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St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 8, 2013

Tickets are on sale now!  They are available after Mass on Saturdays and Sundays and at the Parish Office during regular office hours.  Tickets are:

  • $100 each for adults
  • $50 each for domestic workers, children under 12, and seniors between 65 and 75.

Children under 3 and seniors over 75 are admitted free.    Prices will increase by 50% after Dec 1st, so buy your tickets early!  For details, please pick up a flyer at the back of the Church.

More volunteers needed! Please contact Monica at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Donations for Lucky Draws and White Elephant can be dropped off at the Parish Office with Lisa and Desmond during regular office hours on Saturdays (9:30-12:00, 1:00-5:30) and Sundays (8:30-2:00, 3:00-4:30)

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Fund-Raising For Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Cardinal John Tong is appealing to the faithful to pray for the people devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan in Central Philippines, and to make generous donations in aid of them. 

This week, St. Anne’s will take up a second collection for this purpose in addition to the usual Sunday collection. 

Donations can also be made by other means:

  • Crossed checks payable to “Caritas-Hong Kong” with indication “Philippines Super Typhoon Victims” on the back can be sent to the Accounts Office, Caritas-Hong Kong, Room 407, Caritas House, 2 Caine Road, Hong Kong.  Please indicate your name and address if a receipt is needed.
  • Donations by direct bank-in may be credited directly to Caritas-Hong Kong’s account at ICBC (Asia), Current Account No. 721-010-001606.  If a receipt is needed, please send the bank-in slip with your name and address to the Accounts Office of Caritas-Hong Kong at the address above.
  • E-Donations can be made online by visiting the website of Caritas-Hong Kong at
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Closing Ceremony of the Year of Faith, November 24th

The Closing Ceremony of the Year of Faith is to be held at the Hong Kong Stadium on November 24th (Solemnity of Christ the King) from 3:00pm to 5:30pm, with the Cardinal presiding.

Free Admission Tickets are now available at the Parish Office.   Parishioners are encouraged to participate.

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Hospitality Ministry

St. Anne's Parish Hospitality Table resumes this Sunday, November 17th with thanks to the Pre-Confirmation CCD Class for sponsoring with home baked and bought goods.  Hospitality is offered to parishioners as an opportunity to gather together in friendship and enjoy snacks & drinks sponsored by a CCD Class. Hospitality begins at the conclusion of 8.45AM Mass and ends at 10:00AM. 

The next Hospitality date is Sunday, November 24th.  This will be sponsored by the Grade 3 CCD Class.  

Please contact coordinators Catherine de Clerck at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Maureen Canham at 6447-7265 if your child is in the Grade 3 CCD class and you can help.  

For Hospitality Ministry questions, please contact Celine O'Connor at 6383-2508

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Praying Moms

Parents, please join us on Friday mornings from 10-11AM in the Parish Hall as we pray for our children and for the strength to be the parents He wants us to be.

This week, we focus on "Attracting Godly Friends and Role Models" from The Power of the Praying Parent by Stormie O'Martin:

One of the greatest influences in our children's lives will be their friends and role models. How can we not pray about them?

If you feel called to take over and lead this ministry please contact Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1559 Hits

Confirmation Class Completes Rite of Reconciliation

Confirmation Class Completes Rite of Reconciliation

On Saturday, Nov. 10th, the St. Anne's Confirmation Class completed their Rite of Reconciliation

Thank you to their teachers, parents and priests who have all helped in bringing these children closer to our Lord.

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Bulletin and Website Contributions

Bulletin and Website Contributions

Announcements for the bulletin and website at St. Anne’s are welcome each week by Wednesday

Please e-mail your contributions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Call for Prayers

A recent series of natural disasters in the Philippines has resulted in the loss of life and suffering of many.  Parishioners are encouraged to devote their daily prayers to the victims and their families.

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Praying Moms

Let us not leave our children's lives to chance. Let us partner with our Lord Jesus so He can guide us, strengthen us and give us all we need to be the parents He wants us to be.  It is never too early or too late to pray for our children.  It doesn't matter if your child is an infant, a teenager or married, God hears us when we seek Him.

We provide the book called "The Power of the Praying Parent" by Stormie O'Martin, which we use for our prayer sessions. This week's chapter is "Maintaining Good Family Relationships."  

You can join anytime! Hope to see you on Friday mornings, from 10-11AM in the Parish Hall.  For more info, email Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1835 Hits

Preparing for Advent

The liturgical season of Advent is quickly approaching—a period of spiritual preparation for the faithful. 

Did you know that a Preparation for Mass is available on pages 20 and 21 of the Sunday Missal?  This includes an examination of conscience, which is a wonderful way to reflect on what we have done or failed to do, as God's children, especially before going to confession.

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Religious Education, November 9, 2013

Important Dates

Nov 9       Confirmation Reconciliation, 2pm
Nov 10     Classes Resume
Dec 8       Correct Date for the Parish BBQ
Dec 15     Cheshire Home Party

Book Keeping Skills?
The CCD program is looking for someone who can help keep the accounts up to date.  This could be done mid week at home and usually entails collecting a few invoices, issuing a few checks and keeping the ledger up to date.  If you are willing to help, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1150 Hits

St. Anne’s “Fr. Elmer BBQ” on Sunday December 8, 2013

Join the planning committee:

  • 16 people needed to fill the two shifts of “Grill Masters”
  • 16 people needed for the “set-up” and “take down”
  • Prize donations are most welcome in the form of goods, service and money
  • “White elephant” contributions (new or nearly-new items only) can be dropped off with Lisa at the Parish Office beginning Nov 9th.  Please contact her at 2813-0206 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. beforehand.

Your generous volunteering and support of the above will ensure the continual success of this important Parish event. Please contact KEN WARD at 6603-6011 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1318 Hits

St. Anne's Music Ministry - Line-up for November

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and the schedule for November are attached below.



In December, I’d like to change to the ‘Mass of Christ the Savior’ for our Mass parts. I’ve attached a pdf file with the music. If you click on the links on the first page, you can listen to the recordings. I will make copies of the music for the choir and accompanists so that we can start practicing in November.


Our choir hymnals seem to be disappearing. We should have over 20 hymnals, but at last count there were only 15. Unless we find the missing books, I will have to place an order for more. If anyone wants to order a personal copy, please let me know. The cost is $HK 200.

The 8:45 Mass on November 3rd is a broadcast Mass, and the 8:45 Ensemble will sing.

The confirmation class reconciliation service is on November 9th at 2pm, and Stella will sing, with Jennie as accompanist.

Cantors for the 11:15 Mass will be Jam and Lea on November 3rd and Stella on November 10th.


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Special Masses This Week

This Friday, November 1st, is All Saints Day.  There will be a 7:30PM Mass celebrated that evening in the parish church for All Saints. 

The following day, Saturday, November 2nd, is All Souls Day.  There will be an 11:30AM Mass celebrated in the parish church for All Souls.

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Caritas (Hong Kong District) Bazaar 2013

Caritas - Hong Kong is going to organize its Fund Raising Bazaar (Hong Kong) at Victoria Park, Causeway Bay from 10:00AM to 6:00PM on Nov 3rd (next Sunday). 

A variety of game stalls and gift items are available for parishioners to choose, and play areas are assigned in the venue for children to have an enjoyable Sunday. 

Please contact the Parish Office after mass for Guest Admission Tickets.  Each ticket admits 2 persons.  Maximum 2 tickets for each family. 

As for cheque donations, please make payable to “Caritas-Hong Kong”.

  1504 Hits

Living Rosary

St. Anne's Filipino Catholic Group would like to warmly welcome Filipino groups from throughout Hong Kong who will be praying the Holy Rosary with us this afternoon. They are

  • the Mary Queen of Peace Group from Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, and KAMMPI Officers from Diocesan Pastoral Care for Filipinos both from Catholic Center, Central; 
  • Mt. Carmel Filipino Catholic Group from Mt. Carmel Parish and Alay Kapwa Catholic Group from Wah Yan School Chapel, both from Wanchai;
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Px. from Star of the Sea Church in Chaiwan;
  • St. Jude Fil. Catholic Group from St. Jude Parish North Point;
  • Mary's Prayer Group from Rosary Hill School Chapel, Stubbs Road; and
  • the Lord's Flock Community.

Thank you for being with us this afternoon for our pious dedication to our Blessed Mother Mary. 

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Religious Education, October 27, 2013

Religious Education, October 27, 2013

On Sunday Oct. 13th, the St. Anne's Confirmation Class sponsored the 11:15AM Mass and were presented to the community in the Rite of Enrollment.

Important Dates

Nov 9         Confirmation Reconciliation, 2pm
Nov 10       Classes Resume
Dec 8        Correct Date for the Parish BBQ
Dec 15      Cheshire Home Party

Book Keeping Skills?
The CCD program is looking for someone who can help keep the accounts up to date.  This could be done mid week at home and usually entails collecting a few invoices, issuing a few checks and keeping the ledger up to date.  If you are willing to help, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

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Caritas Annual Campaign

The response at St. Anne's to the sale of Caritas' fundraising raffle tickets was overwhelmingly generous

Thank you for supporting their local and international social service programs so enthusiastically.

--Fr. John 

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Scheduled Confession Times

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on a regularly scheduled basis at St. Anne's.  Confessions will be heard before the 6:00 p.m. masses on Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM 

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