Join the Acolyte Ministry!

Looking for a fun yet important way to serve the St. Anne's community?  Join the Acolyte (Altar Server) Ministry!! 

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry.  There will be training for new and returning Acolytes on Saturday, September 14th from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in the main church.   

For additional information and to rsvp for the training, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1504 Hits

Religious Education Aug 25, 2013

St. Anne’s Religious Education program is 100% run by parishioners of St. Anne.  All teachers and administrators are parish volunteers or youth assistants (teens ages 14 and above who have been confirmed).  We offer weekly classes starting with Pre-School/Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) up to and including a two-year Confirmation class (age 13, 14 and up).  Our curriculum is based on a program called BLEST ARE WE, which teaches your child about the Christian faith as well as the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

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  1525 Hits

Religious Education

Welcome back to all!  We hope you had a rejuvenating and enjoyable summer and are as excited as we are to begin a new year of religious education. 

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  1630 Hits

Thank You, Fr. Gabriel

St. Anne’s would like to thank Fr. Gabriel Altamirano, MG, for his service to the Parish over the past two months, and we offer our very best wishes to him as he assumes his new position as Assistant Parish Priest at St. Teresa’s Parish in Kowloon Tong.

  1567 Hits

August Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up for August is attached.

Since I am not sure when everyone will return from their summer holidays, I have not done the schedule yet. Can the accompanists and cantors please let me know when you’d like to resume our normal schedule?

The St. Anne’s Feast Day bi-lingual Mass on July 21st went well, with the help of our choirs, the Chinese choir, and Ingrid Tsui, the accompanist.

This year, St. Anne’s Song was translated to Tagalog by Blessie Hugo, and we were able to sing it in three languages – English, Cantonese, and Tagalog.

September 1st will be Service Sunday. Please encourage our fellow parishioners to join us in the music ministry!




  1141 Hits

Warning Regarding Illegal Parking on Hoi Fung Path

All drivers please be reminded:

Effective 2 July, 2013 - all vehicles illegally parked at Hoi Fung Path will be towed away.

  1300 Hits

July Music Line-up for St. Anne's Choirs

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for July are attached.

The main event for July is St. Anne’s Feast Day on July 21st. The bi-lingual Mass will be at 10:30, and the choir rehearsal will be at 9:00 in the school music room.

Please join if you can!

Safe travels to all who are traveling, and a good summer holiday to all!



Choir Schedule July 2013

Music Line-Up July 2013

  1399 Hits

Good Story to Share - Fr. Ed Phillips' HIV/AIDS Mission in Kenya

Good Story to Share - Fr. Ed Phillips' HIV/AIDS Mission in Kenya

The following essay was originally contributed by parishioner Hubie Lem to the alumni news group of Regis High School, a Jesuit high school for young men in New York City.   Photo credit:  Chinahands, blog of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in China

True Story

In this day when so much news we hear about the Catholic Church and the US Government is negative, we all can get pretty cynical and depressed.  But the last couple of days, I learned of a true story that gives me so much renewed faith and hope, that I thought you would like to hear about it too. Especially since the good news ties together a Regis alumnus, a Maryknoll priest, a Jesuit college, the United States Government, and saving AIDS sufferers in Nairobi Kenya, where Regis has a relationship with St Aloysius.

The story starts with my parish of St Anne's Church in Stanley, on Hong Kong Island’s south side. We are very fortunate to have as our pastor Father Ed Phillips.  He's not a Jesuit, but graduated from Boston College (1968) so I guess that makes him okay.  Father Ed is a Maryknoll priest who spent 30 years in Africa before moving to Hong Kong in 2011.

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  4499 Hits

CCD Online Pre-Registration 2013-14

CCD Online Pre-Registration 2013-14

Online pre-registration is now available for 2013-14 religious education classes here on the St. Anne's Website. 

This article provides all the information you need to get started!

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  2423 Hits

Religious Education News

Religious Education News

The Religious Education Team would like to thank all of the teachers, student assistants, parents and students for making this a successful year of Religious Education at St. Annes.  We are pleased to announce that more than 300 children completed the program this year with 70 students receiving Holy Communion for the first time and 18 students being Confirmed.  We are happy that so many parents willingly support the yearlong program, making the necessary sacrifices to ensure that their children are educated in our faith.

Many of the children from the First Holy Communion classes returned last Sunday to the 11:15am Mass to crown Mary and to offer flowers to her, our Blessed Mother. Special thanks to Marc Forino for organizing this annual event.  Thank you also to the parents for your support in encouraging your children to participate in this tradition.

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  1435 Hits

Thank You!

St. Paul speaks about how the gifts of each person build the Body of Christ.  I think this is very clear at St. Anne’s by the various talents that we have. 

Peggy Fitch and her musical group bring so much joy to us when we pray.  Our Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers who help facilitate the Mass each Sunday.  My minor leaguers and major leaguers who assist me at Mass as Acolytes and who will be our Lectors and EMs in the future.  All those who nourish our young children in the CCD program.  The various public and private prayer groups on Thursday and Friday that pray for all of us.  Our communication person who does the Sunday bulletins as well as the parish web site. Our great teenagers who ask the deeper questions about themselves, relationships, church and faith and how to live in the modern world.  The many acts gently done by the Philippine community.  Finally, the gifts of joy, laughter, love and wonderment by your children call all of us as adults to be better so that they will grow healthily and faithfully.  

Thank you for sharing all those gifts with me.

-- Fr. Ed

  1562 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following for their participation as Acolytes in Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:        Ethan Sherry, Eliza Sherry
  • Sunday 8:45am:          Aisling Quinlan, Brendan Armstrong, Natasha Hirt, Isabella Hirt
  • Sunday 11:15am:        Greg Chang, Rachel Chang
  • Sunday 6:00pm:          Reina Mandadero, Rodel Vital
  1855 Hits

Music Ministry: Thanks!

Many thanks to all the singers who came to provide music for the First Holy Communion ceremonies last Saturday - Stella Woo, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Arceli Carrera, Nerry Delamide, Grace Chan, Maureen Canham, Margie DeCocinis, and Zoe Forino

As this is almost the end of the school year, we would like to thank all of the people who volunteered their service and talents in the music ministry this year.  In particular, thanks to the following musicians:

  • Stella Woo for helping choose the music line-ups.   
  • Blessie Hugo for coordinating the Legion of Mary choir. 
  • Lorna Logmao for coordinating the Filipino choir. 
  • Pat Kozyra and David Helfer for singing at the 6pm Saturday Mass. 
  • Jennie Li and Hunmin Kim for their keyboard accompaniment (and Agnes Lee for stepping in to help with keyboard accompaniment when one of us is away). 
  • Paul de Guzman, Bruce Ueland, and Blessie Hugo for their guitar accompaniment. 
  • Stella Woo, Jam Melendez, and Lorna Logmao for singing the psalms at the 11:15 Sunday Mass. 
  • Amar Bhardwaj (trumpet), Mary Byrne (violin) and Aisling Quinlan (violin) for their instrumental accompaniment.
  • Hannah Kraebel for coordinating the Youth Band, and all the youth who contributed their enthusiasm and talents at the Saturday Youth Masses.   
  • Thanks to all the friends of the music ministry who help out on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and the May ceremonies. 

And, last but certainly not least, to all the regular members of the music ministry who come to sing every week.  You are the backbone of the music ministry – thank you all so much.

  1210 Hits

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered for the last time before the summer holiday this Thursday morning 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.  The devotion will be temporarily suspended for the summer months but will resume again in September.  Anyone interested in helping with the devotion or for more information, please contact Sally Helfer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1411 Hits

Praying Moms

Praying Moms will be having its last session before the summer hiatus, on Friday, June 7th, 10-11 am. We will resume when school starts again in the Fall. The start date will be announced during Service Sunday and in the next bulletin after the summer. Keep praying! May the Lord's peace be with you and your family in the summer months.  For more information, contact Aissa Montecillo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1798 Hits

Music Ministry

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for June are attached.

The 8:45 Mass on May 5th was broadcast on RTHK Radio 4.  I think it came out very well! Thanks to the Filipino choir for singing and to our youth instrumentalists Amar Bhardwaj and Aisling Quinlan for accompanying.  If you'd like to listen, the link is here

Many thanks to Jennie Li, Bruce Ueland, Stella Woo, Pat Kozyra, Agnes Lee, Fernanda Da Rosa, Maureen Canham, Brenda Yu, and Margie DeCocinis, who gave us the music for the Confirmation ceremony last Saturday.  Also thanks to Hannah Kraebel for the communion meditation song, 'Blessings', by Laura Story.  We are indeed blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate this occasion with the youth of the parish.

The First Holy Communion ceremonies took place yesterday.  Many thanks to all the singers who came to provide music: Stella Woo, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Arceli Carrera, Nerry Delamide, Grace Chan, Maureen Canham, Margie DeCocinis, and Zoe Forino.

We say a sad farewell to Lorna Logmao of the Filipino Choir who moved back to the Philippines last week.  Lorna was one of the founders of the Filipino choir 15 years ago and has been one of its core leaders.  She and the whole Filipino choir give selfless service to St. Anne's week after week.  In addition to singing at the 11:15 Mass every week, when there is a 5th Sunday in the month, they sing at three morning Masses - the 7:15 Tagalog Mass, the 8:45 and the 11:15 Masses.  They also sing for one 6pm Mass and for the Cheshire Home Mass each month.   Lorna has gained the respect and love of all the choir members, and we will miss her dearly.

Accompanists and cantors, please let me know if the schedule is ok for you.



Music Line-Up for June
Choir Schedule for June

  1622 Hits

Living Rosary

St. Anne's Filipino Community would like to welcome visitors who will be praying with us this afternoon:  St. Jude Filipino Catholic Group from St. Jude's Church North Point;  Our Lady of Guadalupe Px from Star of the Sea Church, Chaiwan;  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Filipino Group from Wanchai;  Mary's Prayer Group from Rosary Hill Church, Stubbs Road;  Mary, Queen of Peace Group and SIMBAYANAN KAMMPI Officers from Catholic Center; and the Lord's Flock Community.

We also welcome children participating today as angelsTuvia Riddell, Nicola Paragas, Jiro & Jeo Camaya, Tom & Ana Papernburg, Summer & Willow Jeffery, and Nuala & Oscar Binnion.

And welcome to all of our parishioners who are devotees of Our Blessed Mother Mary and who will be joining us in this pious activity.  Thank you so much. 

  1492 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following for their participation as Acolytes in Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 11:30am:      Mariella Evangelista, Abigail Evangelista, Natasha Hirt, Isabella Hirt
  • Saturday 3:00pm:        Jessica Tan, Hannah Tan, Michael DeCocinis
  • Saturday 6:00pm:        Juliana Provenzale, Pierce O'Malley
  • Sunday 8:45am:          Robert Poon, Jason Poon, Aisling Quinlan, Jeremy Harford
  • Sunday 11:15am:        Owen Tucker, Emma Tucker, Chatto Barrientos
  • Sunday 6:00pm:          Erlinda Borje, Alma Futalan

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1555 Hits

Religious Education News

­First Holy Communion:

Congratulations to the seventy children who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time at one of two Masses on Saturday, May 25th.  Special thanks to the following teachers and student assistants for their dedication and committment of their time and talents in teaching the children:  Emma Sherry (8:45am 1A), Hannah Kraebel and Abigail DeSouza (8:45am, 1B), Catherine deClerck, Cassie Jullienne and student assistant Emily Fabrizio-Stover (10am) and Nini Forino and student assistant Alicia Lamb (10am Older Students).


Congratulations to the eighteen students of our Confirmation class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 18th.  Special thanks to their teacher, Jonathan Luk and to his assistant teacher, Angela Choi, for their dedication and commitment of their time and talents in preparing our young people for this important step in their lives.  Thank you also to Joyce Te, Parent Coordinator, for her invaluable support and work throughout the year. 

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  1345 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following for their participation as Acolytes in Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:       Ying Ying Tse, Natasha Hirt, Isabella Hirt
  • Sunday 8:45am:          Ryan Argetsinger, Kenna Argetsinger, Mariella Evangelista, Abigail Evangelista
  • Sunday 11:15am:        Rachel Chang, Greg Chang, Zoe Forino
  • Sunday 6:00pm:          Reina Mandadero, Rodel Vital

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1604 Hits