First Communion Banners

A First Communion banner is a special family project in which the children of the First Communion Classes have the opportunity to work with their parents to create a visual sign of what First Communion means to them as well as the ways in which they experience God’s love.  These banners will be displayed in the church on the day of the First Communion Masses and will remain in the Church for one week thereafter.  

Each child is required to have a banner with his or her first and last name displayed on it, along with any of the many symbols of the Eucharist or God’s love for us.  Banners must be completed and brought to class on or before Sunday April 14th, 2013.

Instructions and banner kits will be available for purchase from the CCD office during CCD classes for a fee of $80HK through March 3rd.  Exact change would be much appreciated!  BANNERS must be submitted to the teachers on or before Sunday, April 22nd. Once again, thank you for your cooperation.


FHC Banner Instructions

FHC Banner Templates


  2843 Hits

Music Lineup for March

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The line-up and schedule for March are attached.

Accompanists and cantors, can you let me know when you are available in March, so that we can refine the schedule?  Also, can all members let me know their availability during Holy Week, March 28-31?  The music for Holy Thursday, is yet to be confirmed with the Chinese choir.  Also, the readings and psalms for the Easter Vigil have yet to be confirmed.  I will let you know if there are changes.




Choir Schedule for March

Music Line-Up for March

  1238 Hits

Student Alpha at HKIS

An ecumenical Christian event where Middle School & High School students can openly learn, discuss and ask questions about their faith. Every Wednesday, 5-7pm (started Jan.16 but still welcoming participants next week). Venue: Room 504 at the HKIS high school campus).

Course dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 6,13, 20, 27, March 5-6 Alpha camp (retreat), March 13, 20, 27.

For more information, contact Alpha student leader: Hannah Kraebel, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Alpha moms: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Aissa Montecillo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  4093 Hits

Christian Women's Conference

CWC2013 will be held on Saturday, March 9th, at the high school campus of HKIS in Tai Tam.  The keynote speaker is Sandra Gillard from England, who will speak on the theme “Complete in Him” based on Colossians 2:6-10.  

Visit the CWC website at for more details and for Sandra's bio. 

Contact Ha Gavlik for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1368 Hits

Praying Moms

Let us not leave our children's lives to chance! Let us partner with our Lord Jesus to guide, strengthen, and give us all we need to be the parents He wants us to be. 

It is never too early nor too late to pray for our children-- God hears us when we seek Him. 

Praying Moms meet on Friday mornings, from 10-11 am in the Parish Hall. You can join anytime! For additional information, please contact Anna Tan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  8322 Hits

Religious Education

Confirmation Retreat:  This weekend the following young people of our parish enrolled in the Confirmation Class are participating in a retreat in preparation for Confirmation in May:



Please pray that they will be touched by the Holy Spirit during this important time in their faith formation.  Please also pray for the members of the Retreat Team (John and Dee Mulligan and Joe White), who will lead our young people during the retreat.

Please note that there will be no Religious Education classes on February 10th and February 17th due to the Chinese New Year holidays.

First Holy Communion Banner kits will be on sale in the courtyard (or CCD office) starting on Sunday, February 24th for a cost of $80.  Exact change would be appreciated.  Banners are due on April 14th.

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VIDEO: CCD First Communion Class at First Reconciliation


  1484 Hits

CCD Announcements

1. For All Children in First Holy Communion Classes (including the 'older' students in Group 2)

All children who will receive Holy Communion for the first time in May will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday, January 19th.  This is a mandatory part of the First Holy Communion program except for those children who have not yet been baptized.  Children are to arrive by 1pm for a 2pm start and should go directly to their usual Sunday classroom.  At least one parent of each child must attend. If you have not yet provided a copy of your child's baptismal certificate, it is essential that you do so prior to Saturday.  If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the CCD Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Mandatory Meeting for Parents of Confirmation Students

There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of students who will be confirmed in May of this year on Sunday, January 20th at 10am in the parish hall.  Important information concerning the mandatory retreat on February 2/3 will be provided.  If you have any questions or require any further information about this meeting, please contact the CCD Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1401 Hits

Thanks for the Holiday Decorations!

Many thanks to the Church Beautification Ministry

and our team of young volunteers, who assisted with the decoration of St. Anne's for the holidays!



  1799 Hits

Christmas Pageant 2012

Congratulations to all the participants in this year's Christmas Pageant, which preceded the Family Mass on Christmas Eve!



  1289 Hits

VIDEO: Fr. Mike's Farewell Tribute!

 Godspeed, Fr. Mike. With love from your Body of Christ at St. Anne's!

  919 Hits

Parish Information Booklet

Parish Information Booklet

Welcome to St. Anne’s Church and to our vibrant faith community!

We hope that this small booklet can help newcomers and parishioners alike to understand the many ministries and services offered through the St. Anne's parish. 

May it also serve as an invitation to you to offer your services, using the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Download your copy: St. Anne's Welcome Book


  2742 Hits

St. Anne's Parish Welcome Booklet

St. Anne's Parish Welcome Booklet

Welcome to St. Anne’s Church and to our vibrant faith community!

We hope that this small booklet can help newcomers and parishioners alike to understand the many ministries and services offered through the St. Anne's parish. 

May it also serve as an invitation to you to offer your services, using the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Download your copy:  St. Anne's Welcome Book

  4561 Hits

Religious Education (CCD) Class and Event Schedule

Attached below is the Class and Event Schedule for the CCD Religious Education Program for 2012-13.

We look forward to another great year!

Questions?  Please contact the CCD leadership team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Download:  CCD Calendar 2012-3

  1954 Hits

Online CCD Pre-Registration is Now Closed

Thanks to all who have made use of our online CCD Pre-registration system.  The system has now been closed in anticipation of final registration at St. Anne's.

Final registration will take place on August 12, 19 & 26 between 8:30AM and 12:15PM, at which time you will be asked to pay the necessary fees and to collect your child(ren)’s books.

  2163 Hits

Bible Study

A GROUP of MEN meet every MONDAY EVENING from 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. at MARYKNOLL HOUSE for scripture study, led by FR. BILL GALVIN. Monday Bible Study continues through the month of May.

We will finish up the Book of Genesis by reflecting on the impact of the book on our own spirituality and how it has or will shape our continuing faith journey. We will wind up sometime in June and break for the summer.

All are welcome! For details, contact DENNIS MONTECILLO at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

  2915 Hits


On Sunday, Feb 19, was the continuation of the lector training sessions we provided from last Fall. So far there have been 6 sessions, and 39 lectors of the 55 on the roster have attended. Some lectors have come twice as they have found the training very useful. Two new readers joined us. Lectors are given an overview of the Mass, and the important role the Liturgy of the Word is explained. Lectors are asked to reflect on their roles as the "mouthpiece" of the Word.  Markus takes them through the mechanics of good public speaking, and participants practice reading the same passage and are given feedback on their individual readings.

We will continue to provide lector training as some lectors have not attended. The aim of the training is to produce good reading and ultimately raise the quality of the Spoken Word at St. Anne's.

Coordinators VIVIAN LEE at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or MARKUS SHAW at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2437 Hits

St. Anne's Catholic Filipino Group

There will be a 5th Sunday Tagalog Mass on April 29 at 7:15 AM and the celebrant is Fr. Emil Lim.

For inquiries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at 9107-9805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  4653 Hits

A Tribute to Fr. Elmer Wurth

A Tribute to Fr. Elmer Wurth

Dear Father Wurth,

As your long and dedicated term of being St. Anne’s Church's Pastor is drawing to a close in a few short days, there is no denying we all carry with us a bit of sadness. However, as I looked back at all the precious times you have spent with us and the tremendous efforts you have put into St. Anne’s I, on behalf of the Parish Council, have the pleasure to express to you our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts.  It is so fitting during this Thanksgiving week for us to thank God The Almighty for His sharing you, surely one of His favorite sons, with us.

Continue reading
  5314 Hits

Alpha Course at St. Anne's

One more session and The Alpha Course will be completed!  Our last session, Thursday November 24 will be "What About the Church". Thank you to all the guests who joined the course!  Your insight and wisdom on the Alpha Course topics has been truly amazing!

For questions, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  4201 Hits