Dear music ministry members,
The line-up and schedule for June are attached.
The 8:45 Mass on May 5th was broadcast on RTHK Radio 4. I think it came out very well! Thanks to the Filipino choir for singing and to our youth instrumentalists Amar Bhardwaj and Aisling Quinlan for accompanying. If you'd like to listen, the link is here.
Many thanks to Jennie Li, Bruce Ueland, Stella Woo, Pat Kozyra, Agnes Lee, Fernanda Da Rosa, Maureen Canham, Brenda Yu, and Margie DeCocinis, who gave us the music for the Confirmation ceremony last Saturday. Also thanks to Hannah Kraebel for the communion meditation song, 'Blessings', by Laura Story. We are indeed blessed to be a part of St. Anne's community and to be able to celebrate this occasion with the youth of the parish.
The First Holy Communion ceremonies took place yesterday. Many thanks to all the singers who came to provide music: Stella Woo, Bruce Ueland, Fernanda Da Rosa, Arceli Carrera, Nerry Delamide, Grace Chan, Maureen Canham, Margie DeCocinis, and Zoe Forino.
We say a sad farewell to Lorna Logmao of the Filipino Choir who moved back to the Philippines last week. Lorna was one of the founders of the Filipino choir 15 years ago and has been one of its core leaders. She and the whole Filipino choir give selfless service to St. Anne's week after week. In addition to singing at the 11:15 Mass every week, when there is a 5th Sunday in the month, they sing at three morning Masses - the 7:15 Tagalog Mass, the 8:45 and the 11:15 Masses. They also sing for one 6pm Mass and for the Cheshire Home Mass each month. Lorna has gained the respect and love of all the choir members, and we will miss her dearly.
Accompanists and cantors, please let me know if the schedule is ok for you.
Music Line-Up for June
Choir Schedule for June