Acolyte Ministry

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This weeks' Acolytes:

Saturday, September 21st

6:00pm     Pierce O'Malley, Conor O'Malley

Sunday, September 22nd

8:45am     Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Kenna Argetsinger, Keelin McNicholas

11:15am   Monica Francis, James, Francis, Chatto Barrientos

6:00pm     Erlinda Borje, Guia Sedon   

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Usher Ministry

One of our Ushers' responsibilities is to help you find a seat and to make sure you are comfortable during our Masses. We can only make this happen with your full cooperation.

If you arrive early, please occupy the front seats. Our advice to late-comers and to those who plan to leave before the end of the Mass is to please approach the ushers at the back of the church (they all wear ID tags). They are always happy to assist you in finding a seat quickly, and this way we can avoid disturbances and disruptions to the celebrant and other parishioners. The same goes for parishioners with babies and small children.

St. Anne's Church is a safe church  with many side doors and plenty of exits in case of  emergency. Thank you very much for your cooperation. For queries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Religious Education, Sept. 22, 2013

Important Dates

Sept 22       No Classes

Sept 29       Teacher Commissioning during the 11:15am Mass

Oct 3, 10       Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30pm Parish Hall/Rm. 106)

Oct 6, 20       Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10am Parish Hall)

Oct 13            Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15am Mass)

Oct 27            No Classes

*** Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation. ***

Late Registration

If you would like to register a child, please do so online and then come to the CCD Office to finalize the registration, space permitting.

Drop Off & Pick Up & Waiting for your Child

Please do not drop off your child earlier than the start of class so that the teachers have time to set up for class.  All children from Pre-K up to and including the First Holy Communion class must be collected after class.  Please come to the door of your child’s classroom to collect him/her promptly at the end of class.  While waiting for your child, please do not wait outside of the classrooms so as not to disturb the children inside.

Teachers Still Needed

We are still looking for substitute teachers.  Please send us an email if you are willing.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1149 Hits

Welcome Back, Sister Wu!

Welcome Back, Sister Wu!

Sr. Wu, a member of St. Anne’s pastoral team, has just safely returned to the Parish from a visit with her family in India. 

Please join us in wishing Sr. Wu a warm welcome!

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Prayers for the Recovery of Fr. Elmer Wurth

We have received word from Maryknoll that Fr. Elmer Wurth had a bad fall at his family's home in Ohio last Thursday.  He broke both his hip and his collarbone in the fall. 

Fr. Elmer has already undergone surgery for a hip replacement, and will need a period of therapy to regain his ability to walk properly again.  There was nothing the doctors could do for the collarbone, so that will be a long, natural healing process.  

According to Fr. Elmer's nephew, Gary, despite his painful injuries and surgery, Fr. Elmer remains in good spirits. 

Please keep Fr. Elmer and his recovery in your prayers.

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Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held after Mass each Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.  (The Thursday mass, in English, is scheduled weekly for 9:00 am).

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Sunday Car Parking at St. Stephen's College

Applications closed.  Successful applicants who have received an email from the Parish Office should please collect their car park labels on or before 30 September 2013.  Labels unclaimed after 30 September 2013 will automatically go to those on the waiting list.

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Eucharistic Ministry Training, September 15th

There will be a training session for all prospective Eucharistic Ministers this Sunday September 15 at 1:30pm in the church.

If anyone would like a refresher, they are welcome to attend.

We are in need of more EMs. Please consider this ministry, it is a wonderful way to serve St Anne's without a huge time commitment and we will work with your schedule.

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Lectors Ministry

The Lector Ministry is calling for volunteers for all Masses. We have a particular shortage of lectors for the 11:15 am Mass and need your help.

If you want to be part of the ministry that proclaims the Word of God, please volunteer and sign up on Service Sunday, or email Markus Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Vivian Lee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information and to rsvp for the training, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Desperately Needed - Acolytes for Saturday 6:00pm masses.  Many of our Saturday evening Acolytes have recently relocated.  Please consider giving of your time at the 6:00pm mass.

This week's Acolytes:

Saturday, September 14th

6:00pm     Volunteers needed

Sunday, September 15th

8:45am     Abigail Evangelista, Ying Ying Tse, Keelin McNicholas, Jason Poon

11:15am   Rachel Chang, Greg Chang, Keith Choa

6:00pm     Owen Tucker, Emma Tucker

  1810 Hits

Religious Education Sept. 15, 2013

Important Dates

Sept 22           No Classes

Oct 3, 10         Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30pm Parish Hall)

Oct 6, 20         Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10am Parish Hall)

Oct 13             Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15am Mass)

Oct 27             No Classes

*** Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation. ***

Late Registration

If you would like to register a child, please do so online and then come to the CCD Office to finalize the registration, space permitting.

Drop Off & Pick Up & Waiting for your Child

Please do not drop off your child earlier than the start of class so that the teachers have time to set up for class.  All children from Pre-K up to and including the First Holy Communion class must be collected after class.  Please come to the door of your child’s classroom to collect him/her promptly at the end of class.  While waiting for your child, please do not wait outside of the classrooms so as not to disturb the children inside.

Teachers Still Needed

We are still looking for substitute teachers.  Please send us an email if you are willing.

If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blessings from the St. Anne’s Religious Education Team

  1324 Hits

Resumption of Weekday English Masses at St. Anne’s

Beginning on September 3rd, weekday Mass in English will resume at St Anne’s Parish Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9AM and on Saturdays at 11:30AM

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First Friday Mass, September 6th

This Friday, September 6th, is First Friday.  There will be a mass celebrated in honor of the Sacred Heart in the Parish Hall (upstairs) at 19:30.

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Farewell Party for Fr. Ed Phillips, Sept. 8th

Information regarding Fr. Ed's farewell party on September 8th has been put up at the back of the church. 

All parishioners are invited to come and say thank you and good bye to him.  Please sign up to be a volunteer and bring a dish to share. 

Please note that this is a parish event only.

  1496 Hits

Car Parking at St. Stephen's

We have very limited Sunday car parking space at St Stephen’s College this year and if you wish to apply, please contact Fr. John or our parish secretary, Lisa.

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Looking for a fun yet important way to serve the St. Anne's community?  Join the Acolyte (Altar Server) Ministry!! 

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age or approaching their 10th birthday and has celebrated their First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. 

There will be training for new and returning Acolytes on Saturday, September 14th from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in the main church.   

For additional information and to rsvp for the training, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This week's Acolytes - Sunday, September 1st

  • 8:45am: Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Ying Ying Tse, Abigail Evangelista
  • 11:15am: Rachel Chang, Greg Chang, Zoe Forino
  • 6:00pm: Reina Mandadero, Alma Futalan
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Eucharistic Ministry Training, September 25th

A training session will be held on Sunday Sept 15th at 1:30pm in the church.  This is open to all new EM candidates and any who wish a refresher. 

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Music Ministry Invitation

The aim of the music ministry is to add beauty to the Mass using music.  We hope to offer music as another form of worship and prayer for all parishioners, as well as for choir members ourselves. 

If you like music, you'd enjoy being a part of this ministry.  There are several groups/times to choose from - Saturday evening 6pm, 8:45 Sunday, 11:15 Sunday, Filipino Choir, Legion of Mary Choir, and Youth Group. Rehearsals generally take place one hour before Mass.

We welcome all vocalists and instrumentalists, and we especially need keyboard accompanists, guitar accompanists, and cantors

If you are interested to find out more, stop by at next week's Service Sunday sign-ups, come talk with one of the choir members after Mass, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1391 Hits

Religious Education Sept. 1, 2013

St. Anne’s Religious Education program is 100% run by parishioners of St. Anne.  All teachers and administrators are parish volunteers or youth assistants (teens ages 14 and above who have been confirmed).  We offer weekly classes starting with Pre-School/Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) up to and including a two-year Confirmation class (age 13, 14 and up).  Our curriculum is based on a program called BLEST ARE WE, which teaches your child about the Christian faith as well as the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

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  1333 Hits

Service Sunday: September 1st 2013

Rarely does an institution’s health depend on a single event for its wellbeing and its effectiveness for the rest of the year.  But St. Anne’s is an exception.

There is an event that we conduct once a year that determines our ability to provide quality pastoral care and outreach ministries: Service Sunday

Next weekend, August 31 and September 1st, we will ask parishioners, young and old, to offer some service for specific activities and ministries that will be carried out during the rest of the year.  Participation from each family in this endeavor is critical to the quality of our common parish life.  Some needs have relatively small time commitments and do not require experience. 

If you can’t be there next weekend, please contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our parish secretary, to let us know that you are willing to offer service in some way.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration of responding to our needs.

Fr. John

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