Important: CCD Change in Class Schedule

Due to the upcoming renovation work about to begin in the school area attached to St. Anne's Church, please be aware of the following change in the CCD Class Schedule.

Last Day of Class

May 19th:  First Holy Communion (all);
May 12th:  Confirmation
May 5th:  All Others

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Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this week:

6:00pm:     Owen Tucker, Emma Tucker
8:45am:    Mariella Evangelista, Abigail Evangelista, Isabella Hirt, Natasha Hirt
11:15am:    Keith Choa, Monica Francis, James Francis
6:00pm:    Reina Mandadero, Rodel Vital

Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  464 Hits

Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

Ignite: Find Fire for Your Faith

We welcome all of our young parishioners after next Saturday’s Mass to join us for Pizza, Friends, Fellowship, Mario Kart and Cookie Decorating!

Saturday, April 20th, 7:10PM

St. Anne’s Parish Hall

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Walk to Emmaus – An Ecumenical Experience for Men and Women


Do you wish you could spend three days off to rediscover your faith and the life-enhancing power of the Holy Spirit? If the answer is "YES" (or even "maybe"), the Walk to Emmaus retreat is for you.

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3-day residential weekend retreat held at Maryknoll House. It is an ecumenical retreat linking Christians from many churches in Hong Kong. You will spend three busy but very enjoyable days in study, prayer, worship and discussion, centering around 15 talks given by laity and clergy. Many St. Anne's parishioners have taken part in a Walk to Emmaus retreat and have found it to be a life-changing experience.

The upcoming Spring walks will be held on May 9-12 (Women) and May 16-19 (Men). Catriona Woodrow from Union Church is Lay Director for the Women's Walk and Markus Shaw from St. Anne's Church is Lay Director for the Men's Walk. Application forms are available online at

For questions, please contact:

MEN: Markus Shaw This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dennis Montecillo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

WOMEN: Vivian Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Aissa Montecillo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1988 Hits

Happy Easter from the Flower Ministry!



  1970 Hits

VIDEO: Alpha in a Catholic Context

  1961 Hits

Retirement of Dominic Chau

Retirement of Dominic Chau

On the 17th of March, the Parish gathered to recognize Dominic Chau, our parish Facilities Manager, on the occasion of his retirement. 

Please join us once again in thanking Dominic for his many years of faithful service to St. Anne’s Church!

Download the Image:   Retirement of Dominic Chau

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Mass Schedule for Easter Monday

On Easter Monday there will be no English Mass. The only Mass offered will be in Cantonese at 7:15 am at the Carmelite Monastery.


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St. Anne's Youth Group News

The next Youth Mass is April 6th !   Please encourage your child/teen to read, sing and participate with their friends:  April 6 / May 4 / June 1. 

If you would like to be a Lector, contact Karen Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and if you would like to join the youth choir, contact Hannah Kraebel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  5712 Hits

CCD Announcements

Please note that there will be no CCD classes on April 7th.

First Holy Communion

If you have not yet provided a copy of your child's Baptismal certificate, please do so immediately.  We are required to provide these documents to the Diocese.  If we do not have proof of baptism, we cannot allow your child to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Parents of all children who will receive Holy Communion for the first time in May should check their email or the parish website at for a reminder of important upcoming dates.

Banners are due Sunday, April 14th.  Please be sure that your child's first and last name appear on the front of the banner.  Completed banners may be dropped off at the CCD office.


Data for the (blue) Confirmation Register form was due on February 24th.  If you have not yet handed in this form, please do so immediately.

April 14th - All Commitment/Service Hours must be completed and Log turned in.

April 28th - Commitment/Service Hours Reflection Report due.

Upcoming Student Sponsored Masses

April 14th - the 11:15am Mass will be sponsored by the Grade 4 class.

April 21st - the 11:15am Mass will be sponsored by the Grade 5b class.

April 28th - the 11:15am Mass will be sponsored by the Pre-Confirmation class.


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Music line-up for April

Dear music ministry members,

The line-up and schedule for April are attached.  Thanks to Stella Woo for the music selections.  Accompanists and cantors – please let me know if the schedule is ok with you.

I'd like to thank our choir members who joined in singing at last night's Holy Thursday service.  Thanks also to the Chinese Choir for singing with us, especially Miranda Kwan the Chinese Choir director and Ingrid Tsui the accompanist.

Also thanks (in advance) for everyone who will be singing at the Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday services this weekend.    I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter!




Music Line-Up for April

Choir Schedule for April

  1193 Hits

Important First Holy Communion Information

Dear Parents

As we approach Easter, a little over two months remain until your child(ren) will receive the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time on Saturday, May 25th.  Although you received a detailed handout for the entire year during the parents’ meeting in October, I am writing to remind you of a few important upcoming matters.

Continue reading
  1876 Hits

Holy Week Mass Schedule 2013

Friday, March 22nd
St. Anne's: Confession Service (Chinese) at 8PM

Palm Sunday, March 24th
St. Anne's: 8:45AM, 11:15AM, 6:00PM (English), 9:45AM (Chinese)

Holy Thursday, March 28th
The Lord's Supper

     St. Anne's: 8:00PM (Bilingual)
     Carmelite Chapel: 6:30PM (Chinese)

Good Friday, March 29th
Stations of the Cross

     St. Anne's: 9:00AM (Chinese), 10:00AM (English)
Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
     St. Anne's: 3:00PM (Chinese), 5:00PM (English)
          Confession Service (English) before and after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
          Confession Service (Chinese) after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
     Carmelite Chapel: 3:00PM (Chinese) 

Easter Vigil, March 30th
St. Anne's: 6:00PM (English), 8:30PM (Chinese)
Carmelite Chapel: 8:00PM (Chinese)

Easter Sunday, March 31st
St. Anne's: 8:45AM, 11:15AM, 6:00PM (English), 10:00AM (Chinese)
Carmelite Chapel: 8:00AM (Chinese)
Parkview: 10:00AM (English)
Shek O: 9:00AM (English)


  1501 Hits

Benedictine Principles and Applying them to Parenthood

A Retreat conducted by Fr. Chad Boulton, Senior Chaplain of Ampleforth College in the UK (a co-educational Catholic boarding school for 13-18 year olds)

The programme includes an introduction to the Rule of St. Benedict (written in the 6th Century), monastic prayer, discussion about how Benedictine principles for living in community guide school and family relationships.

We will begin with a light lunch, and end with Mass.   The Retreat is designed for parents of teenagers, who are interested in learning about monastic principles in relation to raising teenagers into responsible and spiritual young adults.

Saturday March 23rd from 12pm - 5pm at PIME House, 843 Clear Water Bay Road, Silverstrand, HK

Suggested donation: $200 per person to cover our costs and lunch.

Please register with Carla Basto Clark: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1365 Hits


The Hospitality Committee would like to thank all the families for their donation of baked goods, beverages, set up, supervision, and clean up which enables the Hospitality Table to be a welcoming place to gather after the 8:45am mass.  We are grateful for any parents or students who can help at the table!

Please note that the following Religious Education class will sponsor the Hospitality on the following dates:

March 17th    4th Grade Class
April 14th    6th Grade Class
April 21st     FHC 1A 8:45am Class
April 28th    5th Grade Class
May 5th     FHC 1B 8:45am Class
May 12th     Pre-Confirmation Class

There will be no Hospitality table on March 24th, 31st and April 7th.


  3637 Hits

Ushers: Call for Volunteers

Serving the church is serving God.  It is not yet Service Sunday, but, like the other ministries, the Usher Ministry is also in need of more volunteers-- not only on Sunday but also for the Saturday 6:00PM Mass.  At that Mass, we are in need of a person who will organize parishioners to participate in the offering and the collection.

We ask those who attend Mass regularly on Saturday evening to please consider helping in this ministry.  

Please contact Lorenda Rafanan, Ushers Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 9107-9805.


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Eucharistic Ministers

All newly trained Eucharistic Ministers and all who have not been formally installed by Father Ed are asked to join Fr. Ed on the altar when called during all Masses this weekend, March 2-3. 

After being installed, all Eucharistic Ministers are asked to participate in distributing Holy Communion in both forms to St. Anne's Parishioners. 

Until the new schedule is published, please participate by selecting a stole upon entering church and serving.


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Girl Scout Sunday, March 10th

Girl Scout Sunday, March 10th

St. Anne's is pleased to support the efforts of the Hong Kong Committee of Girl Scouts on Girl Scout Sunday next Sunday, March 10th.  

Girls all over the world will mark Girl Scouts Sunday by wearing their uniform to their family's worship service, and we encourage all of our Girl Scouts to participate.

The purpose of this special day is to reflect upon the importance of the words, “to serve God”, in the Girl Scout Promise.

  1162 Hits

How Do I Pray?

This is a question that many people ask. Join with Nita Ng of the Jesuit Retreat House to explore and experience different ways of praying. It will invigorate you.

The workshop will take place on Sunday March 10th from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the parish hall.

Step away from all the rush and stress of your life and spend a few hours to explore inner peace.


  30 Hits

Lenten Flower Arrangements

During the period of Lent, we use mainly leaves with a little bit of purple statice. 

We withhold the delight expressed by colourful flowers until Easter comes, except for the 4th Sunday of Lent, when the Gospel is about having joy for the returned son.



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