Parish Office New Business Hours

Please note with effect from October 14th (Monday), the Parish Office new business hours will be from 1:00PM to 5:30PM every Wednesday to Friday; 9:30am-12:00pm and 1:00-5:30pm every Saturday; and 8:30am-2:00pm and 3:00-4:30pm every Sunday. 

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DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Speaker Series: Generation Life

DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Speaker Series: Generation Life

A team of young missionaries from Generation Life in the US, have been invited to come share their experiences and messages on love, relationships, chastity and the dignity of human life, to young people. 

This youth event, organized by the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese’s English Youth, D-E-Y, will be on this Sunday 13th October from 2:00-5:30PM at Youth Outreach in Sai Wan Ho

All young people are invited to join.  For details, please refer to information posted on the notice board.

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DEY (Diocesan English Youth) – Fourth Joint Youth Eucharistic Celebration

All young people are invited to attend the fourth D-E-Y (Hong Kong Diocesan English Youth) joint youth mass and fellowship next Sunday, 20th October

This time, it will be hosted by CFC YFL at Annunciation Church in Tsuen Wan.  Fellowship starts at 2:00PM with mass at 5:00PM

For more details and to register, please refer to information posted on the notice board.

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Parish Barbeque

There will be an organizing meeting for the parish barbeque this Tuesday evening, October 15th, at 7:30PM in the parish hall.  We welcome all who are interested in contributing to the barbeque in any way. 

And please remember, the barbeque is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, December 8th.   

Ken Ward, Parish Coordinator for the Barbeque

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Acolyte Ministry

Anyone who is at least 10 years of age and has celebrated his or her First Holy Communion is very welcome to join this ministry. For additional information, please contact Moka Quinlan at 6148.8557 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1691 Hits

美滿家庭特會 Family Life Conference 2013 - Blessed Family. Blessed Society

美滿家庭特會 Family Life Conference 2013 - Blessed Family. Blessed Society

Date: 24-26 Oct 2013 

Guest Speakers: Rev. Nicky & Sila Lee

Rev. Nicky and Sila Lee of Holy Trinity Brompton London (home of The Alpha Course), have been married for over thirty years and have raised four children. Having ministered to over 1,000 families at Church, they have combined the truth about family from the Bible with modern educational theories to develop the "Family Life Series

Join one of the talks and hear their message on how to inspire and equip like-minded Christians to build healthy families with Jesus' love to transform our society and to understand the challenges faced by families today, and pick up tools for building healthy family relationships. 

For more information and to register for a talk visit the Alpha Hong Kong website

  1732 Hits

Lector Training on October 26th and 27th

Thank you to those who volunteered to be lectors on Service Sunday! Training will take place on October 26th and 27th.  As all lectors, new and old, are requested to come to at least one session of training, these sessions are also open to current lectors who have not received training before.  Please mark your calendars to come to one of these sessions.

  • October 26, Saturday, at 4:00PM inside the Church
  • October 27, Sunday, at 10:00AM in the Parish Hall

 For more information, please contactLector Ministry Coordinators Markus Shaw: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Vivian Lee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1267 Hits

Living Rosary

The St. Anne's Filipino Community will host our traditional Living Rosary on Oct. 27th at 2:00 PM. The Living Rosary's petition is for PEACE and UNITY of the whole world. We are inviting everybody to please join us in our pious dedication to our Blessed Mother Mary.  

If your kids want to join in this activity and be dressed as angels please don't hesitate to call me in advance so that we can provide appropriate attire for them.

For queries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at 9107 9805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1404 Hits

Walk to Emmaus—An Ecumenical Experience for Christian Men and Women

Would you like to spend three days to rediscover your faith and the life-enhancing power of the Holy Spirit?  If the answer is "YES" (or even "maybe") then the Walk to Emmaus retreat is for you. 

Walk to Emmaus is a residential weekend retreat held at the Maryknoll House in Stanley and linking Christians from many churches in Hong Kong. You will spend three busy but very enjoyable days in study, prayer, worship and discussion, centering around 15 talks given by laity and clergy.  Many St. Anne's parishioners have already taken part in the retreat and have found it to be a life-changing experience. 

The upcoming FALL walks will be held on November 7-10 (Walk to Emmaus #59, for Men) and November 14-17 (Walk to Emmaus #60, for Women).  Application forms are available online at   For any questions, please contact:  

MEN'S WALK: Markus Shaw: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Paul Munder: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  WOMEN'S WALK: Vivian Lee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Aissa Montecillo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  1614 Hits

Seminarian Vincent Schlatter

Seminarian Vincent Schlatter will live in the rectory at St. Anne's through next Summer. 

Vincent is in a program with the Paris Foreign Mission Society (MEP) and will work with both the Little Sisters of the Poor in Aberdeen as well as with the Rosary Hill School French Community. 

Welcome, Vincent!

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Caritas Annual Campaign

Caritas is currently undertaking its annual campaign appeal in Hong Kong.  St. Anne's has been asked to participate through the sale of raffle tickets.  During my years in the UN and in parishes around the world I have seen the effective and responsible use of funds by Caritas in making a real difference in the lives of people both locally and internationally. 

Please consider supporting Caritas and their clients by purchasing a raffle ticket at weekend masses during the month of October.  Thank you.  – Fr. John

A single ticket is HK$20, a half book of tickets is HK$100, and a full book of tickets is HK$200.

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Barbeque Coordinator

Mr. Ken Ward has generously volunteered his time and talents for the position of Barbeque CoordinatorThank you, Ken and family! 

Ken and others will be contacting those who have offered their services for the barbeque, and may be seeking new recruits as well. 

The barbeque will held at St. Stephen's on Sunday, December 8th.  Each of us doing a little both before then and on the day itself will ensure a memorable and worthwhile occasion for us all.

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Eucharistic Ministers Training

There will be an additional training session for Eucharistic Ministers this Sunday, October 6th at 1:30pm in the Church.  Those who wish to become Eucharistic Ministers and were unable to attend last months' training are welcome.  We will also have a practice session at that time.

  1931 Hits


Does life seem to be a blur, rushing here and there, meeting quotas or deadlines, checking off to-do lists? Why not give yourself an hour of meditative peace once a week? Learn to quieten your mind and draw close to your inner self. The St. Anne's Meditation Group practices the John Main method of Christian meditation. We listen to a short tape on an aspect of meditation and then try to tame our minds in the ensuing silence.

Please come and join us every Tuesday at the priests' chapel in Maryknoll House at 7:00PM.  For more info, contact Vivian Lee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dee Mulligan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1751 Hits

Religious Education, Oct. 6, 2013

Religious Education, Oct. 6, 2013

The CCD teachers for this year were commissioned last Sunday, Sept. 29th during the 11:15am Mass.  We are thankful for their servants hearts and their willingness to share our faith with our youth.

Important Dates

Oct 10 Parents Meeting – FHC (7:30PM in the Parish Hall)

Oct 6, 20         Parents Meeting – Confirmation (10AM in the Parish Hall)

Oct 13 Confirmation Right of Enrollment (11:15AM Mass)

Oct 27 No Classes

Attendance is mandatory at ONE of the above Parents Meetings if your child is in First Holy Communion (FHC) or Confirmation.

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First Friday Mass, October 4th

There will be a mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart held in the Parish Hall this coming Friday, October 4th, First Friday, at 19:30 hours.

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Generation Life, Thursday, October 3rd

Generation Life, Thursday, October 3rd

Generation Life is a movement of young people traveling the world, encouraging a lifestyle of respect of self and the dignity of others. 

This Thursday night, October 3rd, they will hold a discussion on healthy dating and both the internal and external pressures to chastity.  The event is being held in Wanchai, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, #1 Star Road, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm

You can register online at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Visit the Generation Life Website

  1171 Hits

African Children’s Choir Tour


Various Christian communities in Stanley have joined forces to present a brand new choir tour entitled “Beautiful Africa : A New Generation”, featuring vibrant, original African music and dance routines.  It is produced to celebrate the beauty of Africa and the transformational power of the love of Jesus.  

The show will be on 24 October (Thursday) from 8:00-9:30pm at Tang Shiu Kin Hall, St. Stephen’s CollegeFree Admission by Ticket.

For details, please check poster and flyer.  For free admission tickets, please contact the Parish Office.

  1233 Hits

Greetings from Fr. Elmer

Dear Parishioners and Friends at St. Anne's,

I was just 4 days short of packing my bags to return to HK, when my plans, my shoulder and my hip were shattered.  I'm now in a wonderful nursing home, surrounded by my family and friends in Ohio.  I am on schedule with therapy, but it will be a long time, so my return to HK has no date yet.  I was really looking forward to seeing many of you for my 84th birthday this Sunday, but my wonderful family will be taking over and many will gather here at the nursing home to help me celebrate.  We will be thinking of you, and I hope I can someday have a rain check.  I still miss all of you very much.  I thank God for the wonderful way you treated me for so many years.  I am learning that our plans can also be changed, sometimes causing a lot of unhappiness, but I am in the hands of the Lord, of my family and of a wonderful Christian community here.  Let's patiently wait the Lord's plan to be carried out.

With Love and Prayers, Fr. Elmer

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5th Sunday Tagalog Mass on September 29th

There will be a 5th Sunday Tagalog Mass on Sept. 29th at  7:15 AM and the celebrant is Fr. Alfredo Rollon SVD.  

We would like to invite more Filipino volunteers to please join us in serving in this ministry since some of our members have departed Hong Kong.  We are in need of acolytes, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers and choirs.  

Please be generous and consider giving your time 3 or 4 times a year.  Let us help serve and work together to worship in our own language.

For queries please contact Lorenda Rafanan at 91079805 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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