Music Ministry: Help Wanted!

We are recruiting singers for the First Holy Communion ceremonies on May 25th.  Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays and we need help from the parish community.  So far, we have only three singers.  There are two ceremonies - one at 11:30am and another at 3:00pm.  We welcome you to come sing for either ceremony or for both.   For more details, or to volunteer, please contact Peggie Fitch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1369 Hits

Religious Education News


Congratulations to the eighteen students of our Confirmation class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 18th.  Special thanks to their teacher, Jonathan Luk and to his assistant teacher, Angela Choi, for their dedication and commitment of their time and talents in preparing our young people for this important step in their lives.  Thank you also to Joyce Te, Parent Coordinator, for her invaluable support and work throughout the year. 

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  1375 Hits

Living Rosary

The St. Anne's Filipino Community will once again host the Living Rosary on May 26th. The assembly time is 1:30 p.m. and the procession will starts at 2:00 p.m., followed by the rosary, flower offering, crowning of our Blessed Mother Mary and the benediction.  Please join us in praying the holy rosary as we make petitions for peace and unity for the whole world.  

If you have children aged 4-7 who would like to be one of our angels, please contact us so that we can provide them with attire.  

Snacks and fellowship will follow the service in the courtyard. For more information please email Lorenda Rafanan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1454 Hits

Music Ministry: Help Wanted!

We are recruiting singers for two upcoming ceremonies: Confirmation on May 18th and First Holy Communion on May 25th.  Most of our regular music ministry members are not free to come on Saturdays, so we need singers from the parish community.  Let’s come together to sing at these joyous occasions for the youth of our parish.  For more details, or to volunteer, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1139 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following for their participation as Acolytes in Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:    Ethan Sherry, Eliza Sherry
  • Sunday 8:45am:       Ying Ying Tse, Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan, Brendan Armstrong
  • Sunday 11:15am:     Zoe Forino, Monica Francis, James Francis
  • Sunday 6:00pm:       Sam Weise, Olivia Weise

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1398 Hits

Religious Education News


  • All CCD classes ended last Sunday other than for students enrolled in First Holy Communion classes (including the class of older students taught by Nini Forino) and the Confirmation class.  
  • The last class for Confirmation students is today, May 12th.
  • The last class for all students who will receive First Holy Communion for the first time on May 25th will be next Sunday, May 19th.  
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  1296 Hits

Weekday Mass Schedule, May 6th – 11th

There will be no English daily Mass from Monday through Saturday of this coming week, May 6th – 11th. The only Mass offered will be in Cantonese at 7:15 am at the Carmelite Monastery.

  1272 Hits

Go and Make Disciples

The Diocesan English Youth Group will have a gathering and Mass at St. Teresa'a Church, Kowloon, on Sunday, May 12th. The gathering is from 1:45 pm to 4:30 pm.  More information is available on the parish bulletin board.

  1385 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • Saturday 6:00pm:  Pierce O'Malley, Conor O'Malley
  • Sunday 8:45am:  Keelin McNicholas, Kenna Argetsinger, Lauren Vallace, Kate Vallace
  • Sunday 11:15am:  Monica Francis, James Francis, Keith Choa
  • Sunday 6:00pm:  Charlie Cabantac, Reina Mandadero

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1429 Hits

Hospitality News

On Sunday, May 5th, the First Holy Communion 1A class will be sponsoring the Hospitality Table.  The Hospitality table will not be in session after May 5th, and we look forward to welcoming you back in September when all the Religious Education classes are back in session. 

The Hospitality Committee would like to thank all the families who contributed food and beverage items and especially their time throughout the year.  A very special thanks goes out to the following Hospitality Committee members who were instrumental in helping to coordinate the Hospitality Table this year: Tricia Nichol, Tricia Armstrong, Sarah Eckert, Maureen Ocanham, and Annette Faldyn.

  1139 Hits

Religious Education News

Religious Education News

Thanks to the students of the Pre-Confirmation class who sponsored the 11:15am Mass last week. Special thanks to their teachers, Judith and Anthony Evangelista, for preparing the students.

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  1408 Hits

Music Line-Up for May 2013

Dear Music Ministry Members,

The line-up and schedule for May are attached.

We are coming to the end of the school year and there is a lot going on in the month of May.

On Saturday May 4th, the 6pm Mass will be sponsored by the Youth Band.  Thanks to Hannah Kraebel  for selecting the music and leading this group, and thanks to Jennie Li for accompanying.  If you know of any youth guitarist or pianist who might be interested, please invite them to join the group.  There will be one more Youth Mass on June 1st, after which there is a break for the summer, and the group will resume again at the start of the next school year.

The 8:45 Mass on May 5th will be broadcast on RTHK Radio 4.  The Filipino choir will be singing, and this time there will also be violin and trumpet  accompaniment.   Thanks to our youth instrumentalists Amar Bhardwaj and Aisling Quinlan for joining.

May 12th is Mothers' Day, and we should prepare a song or instrumental piece for when the roses are distributed.  A good one might be 'Hail Mary, Gentle Woman', p. 779, but each group can have their own choosing.

The Rite of Confirmation will be held on Saturday, May 18th at the 6pm Mass.  Reverend Brian Barrons will be the celebrant.  We need singers for the choir!  Please join if at all possible, and please ask your friends from the parish to join also.  Rehearsal will be 4:30pm.

There are two ceremonies for First Holy Communion; both will be held on Saturday, May 25th.  One is at 11:30am and one is at 3pm.  Again we need singers!  Please join the choir and ask your friends too.  Rehearsal will be at 10:15am.  We will break for lunch after the first ceremony and return again for the 3pm ceremony.

The May Crowning will be on Sunday May 26th at the 11:15 Mass.  Can the Filipino choir select a song in praise of Mary for the crowning?

The schedule for the 11:15 cantors will be May 5th –Stella,  May 12th – Jam, and May 19th –Lorna.  Please let me know if the schedule is ok for you.



Choir Schedule For Sundays in May
Music Line-Up For Sundays in May
Music Line-Up for Confirmation
Music Line-Up for First Holy Communion

  1254 Hits

Second Collection for the Victims of the Sichuan Earthquake

As an expression of our solidarity with our brethren suffering from the earthquake in Sichuan on 20 April, Cardinal John Tong is appealing to the faithful to pray for them and the rescue workers, as well as for our generous support in today's second collection for the emergency relief efforts to be undertaken with the collaboration of Caritas-Hong Kong and the partnership of the Church in Mainland China.

  1216 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • 6:00pm:      Eliza Sherry, Ethan Sherry
  • 8:45am:      Aisling Quinlan, Robert Poon, Jason Poon, Lauren Vallace
  • 11:15am:    Natasha Hirt, Jessica Tan, Kenna Argetsinger, Ying Ying Tse
  • 6:00pm:      Erlinda Borje, Guia Sedon

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!  Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1471 Hits

Religious Education News

Religious Education News

Thanks to the children of class 5B who sponsored the 11:15am Mass last week. Special thanks to their teacher, Paul Donnelly, for preparing the students.

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  1598 Hits

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held at St. Anne's Church on Thursday mornings, 10:00AM-12:00PM.

All are invited for a quiet prayer experience in this devotion to the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

  1805 Hits

Celebrating Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary

To commemorate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Filipino Catholic Group (FCG) is hosting a film showing on Sunday, April 28 starting at 1:30 p.m.  

The movie is called "The 13th Day" (75 mins).  Based on the memoirs of the oldest Seer, Lucia Santos, and many thousands of independent eye-witness accounts, "The 13th Day" dramatizes the TRUE story of three young shepherds (Lucia, Francisco & Jacinta) who experienced six interactive apparitions with a “Lady from Heaven” between May and October 1917, which culminated into the final prophesied Miracle. More than 70,000 witnesses watched the sun spin in the sky before plummeting towards the earth, in an extraordinary prophesied event, which became known as 'The Miracle of the Sun.



"Mary, the Mother of God" (49 mins), from Fr. Robert Barron's Catholicism series will also be shown after the movie.

Contact Lorenda Rafanan for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1835 Hits


Please join us in thanking the following Acolytes for their service at Mass this weekend:

  • 6:00pm:        Juliana Provenzale, Pierce O'Malley
  • 8:45am:        Keelin McNicholas, Aisling Quinlan, Hannah Tan, Jessica Tan
  • 11:15am:      Ryan Argetsinger, Zoe Forino, Kate Vallace
  • 6:00pm:        Olivia Weise, Sam Weise

Thank you very much for serving your parish community!

Please contact Moka Quinlan for information about this important ministry: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1434 Hits

Photos wanted for the St. Anne's Website!

Photos wanted for the St. Anne's Website!

The parish website is undergoing a facelift, and we are actively seeking photographic images depicting parish life, the many activities of our parish ministries, and, of course, the various special events that take place throughout the year. 

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to contribute!

  1420 Hits

Religious Education News

Religious Education News

Thanks to the children of the 4th grade class who sponsored the 11:15am Mass last week. Special thanks to their teacher, Virginia Horton, for preparing the students. Thanks also to the members of the Church Beautification Ministry for preparing flower baskets for the Offertory.

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  1269 Hits